// Copyright 2024 Shark in a Hat. All Rights Reserved. var notes = "img/new_home/pc_room{\'\'if is_day() else \'_dark\'}.webp\nimg/new_home/finger_{\'day\' if is_day() else \'_night\'}.webp\n\nsvg_filter(\'default\' if is_day() else \'night\')\n\nschool2_1"; var plot={"pre_new_game":{"txt":"The game uses an auto-save system, starting a new game will {RED('ERASE ALL AUTO-SAVES')} (but not manual savefiles)! Do You want to start a new game? ","no_save":1,"choice":[["True","Start New Game","new_game"],["True","Cancel","back_to_main"]],"cmd":["music('like_the_synth')","parallax_imgs(('img/parallax/class_l0.webp', 'img/parallax/class_l1.webp', 'img/parallax/class_l2.webp'))","_show('monetize', False)"]},"new_game":{"txt":"Would You like to see a short tutorial going over the basics of the User Interface? ","img":"img/title/title_thx.webp","no_save":0,"choice":[["True","Show Tutorial","tutorial_1"],["True","Skip","prologue_jump"],["False","test","test_jump"],["True","Skip Tutorial and Prologue","skip_prologue"]],"cmd":["init_new_save()"]},"back_to_main":{"img":"img/title/title.webp","no_save":1,"choice":[["True","NEW GAME","pre_new_game"],["'current_plot_node' in save","CONTINUE...","load_last"],["True","CREDITS","credits"],["False","INVASIVE TRAILER","trailer"]],"cmd":["music('blank')","_show('monetize', True)","_show('video_container', False)","doc['video'].pause()","_show('status', False)"]},"load_last":{"no_save":1,"branch":[["sum(doc['tag'].content.encode()) != 537 and data.location.protocol != 'file:' and ('data' not in data.location.host) and ('' not in data.location.host) and get_day()>10","load_last_nag"],["True","load_last_1"]]},"tutorial_1":{"next":"tutorial_2","txt":"Tutorial:\nIf there are no other buttons visible, clicking on the text box (or pressing [SPACE]) will move you forward. \nPressing [H] or clicking the eye icon will show/hide the text box.\nTL;DR: Click here!","img":"img/title/title_keys_1.webp","no_save":0},"tutorial_2":{"txt":"Tutorial:\nIf You got this far, You probably already know how the game presents choices, but just to be sure: Do You know how to use the buttons above? ","img":"img/title/title_thx.webp","no_save":0,"choice":[["True","Yes, skip this part","tutorial_3"],["True","No, tell me more.","tutorial_loop"],["True","Maybe...","tutorial_loop"],["True","What buttons?","tutorial_loop"]]},"tutorial_3":{"txt":"Tutorial:\nGreat! Now let's talk about the menu.","choice":[["True","There's a menu?","tutorial_4"],["True","Let's skip it...","tutorial_11"]]},"tutorial_loop":{"txt":"Tutorial:\nThe green buttons above represent your currently available choices. You can use the [1]-[8] keys or just click on the one you like. There will always be some text, here at the bottom, so You'll know what the game is asking about.","img":"img/title/title_thx.webp","no_save":0,"choice":[["True","Ok, I understand.","tutorial_3"],["True","What? Where?","tutorial_loop_1"]]},"tutorial_loop_1":{"next":"tutorial_loop2","txt":"Tutorial:\n{'Bloody Hell, are we still doing this? Y`know this game might be too hard for You...' if save.tut_stupid>3 else 'Alright, I`ll explain one more time...'}\n","img":"img/title/title_dunce.webp","cmd":["save.tut_stupid+=1"]},"tutorial_4":{"next":"tutorial_5","txt":"Tutorial:\nIf you click on the icon in the top left corner you'll see a menu pop up, clicking the icon again will hide the menu. \nGo ahead, give it a try."},"tutorial_5":{"next":"tutorial_6","txt":"Tutorial:\nYou might have guessed that the SAVE and LOAD buttons are for saving and loading, but you don't actually need to use them much."},"tutorial_6":{"next":"tutorial_7","txt":"Tutorial:\nThe game has an auto-save system. If you've started a game, there will be a 'Continue' button on the first game screen, clicking it will send you back to exactly where you left."},"tutorial_7":{"next":"tutorial_8","txt":"Tutorial:\nSave/Load still might be useful if you want to move to a different system (or to cheat). It saves the data to a text file that can be copied, moved or even edited. "},"tutorial_8":{"next":"tutorial_9","txt":"Tutorial:\nThe FONT and ZOOM buttons allow You to change the font and viewport size to fit your preference and screen size."},"tutorial_9":{"next":"tutorial_10","txt":"Tutorial:\nThe RESET button only resets the zoom and font size. To restart the game You'd need to refresh the page in Your browser (Ctrl+R). ","no_save":0},"tutorial_10":{"next":"tutorial_tts1","txt":"Tutorial:\nMusic volume can be adjusted with the slider under the speaker icon. "},"tutorial_11":{"next":"tutorial_12","txt":"Tutorial:\nThere are some other things not covered by the tutorial- like the map, shops and wardrobe - but you'll just have to discover them on your own. ","img":"img/title/title_tut_end.webp","no_save":0,"cmd":["set_quest('tut')"]},"prologue_jump":{"eval_jump_to":"'prologue_0'","no_save":0,"cmd":["set_quest('tut')"]},"tutorial_loop2":{"next":"tutorial_loop","txt":"Tutorial:\nIf you see green buttons, click on one. It's as simple as that. Now click on this text box and let's try again."},"prologue_1":{"next":"prologue_2","txt":"Male Voice:\nC'mon girl, put some effort into it! I've got maths class next! Can't stand here all day.","img":"img/prologue/wc_bj_01.webp","cmd":["music('vampire')","splash(rgba=(250,250,250,1.0))"]},"prologue_2":{"next":"prologue_3","txt":"Male Voice:\nOh Yeah, that's it! Suck on the head and move your tongue more. Just like that, keep moving. "},"prologue_3":{"next":"prologue_4","txt":"Male Voice:\nAlmost there, keep it up. I bet you want me to cum in your mouth, don'tcha? All nice and clean, eh? Bet you like the taste of cum, huh? Just nod."},"prologue_4":{"next":"prologue_5","txt":"Male Voice:\nWell tough luck, today is International Facial Day. Here it comes! "},"prologue_5":{"next":"prologue_6","txt":"Male Voice:\nDid I tell you to close your eyes? Look at me! Oh, yeah, love that look in your eyes. Keep'em open and don't let my cum drip on the floor. I just might make you lap it up.. ","img":"img/prologue/wc_bj_02.webp","cmd":["splash()"]},"prologue_6":{"next":"prologue_7","txt":"Male Voice:\nAh, that was nice, don'tcha‎ think? You're a good little slut after all, and I just might let you swallow next time."},"prologue_7":{"txt":"Male Voice:\nSo what do little sluts say after a good facial?","choice":[["True","Fuck You!","prologue_8"],["True","Thank You?","prologue_8"],["True","Thank You, Sir.","prologue_8"]]},"prologue_8":{"next":"prologue_9","txt":"Male Voice:\nHa Ha Ha! I didn't think you had it in you. You and me - we gonna have lots of fun. You might even enjoy some of it..."},"prologue_9":{"next":"prologue_10","txt":"Female Voice:\nYup, that's me. You're probably wondering how I got into this situation...","img":"img/prologue/wc_bj_03.webp","cmd":["music('record_scratch', False)"]},"prologue_10":{"next":"backstory_1","txt":"Female Voice:\nIt all started with a murder, but don't worry - it wasn't anyone You knew. Probably. Well, at least it wasn't anyone I knew. ","cmd":["music('day')"]},"backstory_1":{"next":"backstory_2","txt":"Female Voice:\nI grew up in the kind of neighbourhood that most people would call a Bad Neighbourhood.","img":"img/prologue/old_home2.webp"},"backstory_2":{"next":"backstory_3","txt":"Female Voice:\nI just called it Home.","img":"img/prologue/old_home1.webp"},"backstory_3":{"next":"backstory_4","txt":"Female Voice:\nWhen I was little everything seemed fine. None of the neighbours or kids I knew had it much better. Typical crab bucket."},"backstory_4":{"next":"backstory_5","txt":"Female Voice:\nThings changed when I grew up, went to school, met other people and eventually found out what my parents did for a living."},"backstory_5":{"next":"backstory_6","txt":"Female Voice:\nMy Mom used to work the Night Shift - if you know what I mean. She tried to hide it from me and it worked for some time. Until it didn't.. ","img":"img/prologue/hooker.webp"},"backstory_6":{"next":"backstory_7","txt":"Female Voice:\nWhen I was Old Enough to work, I quit school and got a job at a local fast food joint, so that Mom didn't have to Work. ","img":"img/prologue/diner.webp"},"backstory_7":{"next":"backstory_8","txt":"Female Voice:\nBack in my home town 'Old Enough' was more of a guideline than a rule of law. Especially when working for a guy that thinks taxes is something that happens to others. "},"backstory_8":{"next":"backstory_9","txt":"Female Voice:\nI didn't get to finish school, but at least I got Mom of the streets and I earned money... that my Dad usually lost gambling. "},"backstory_9":{"next":"backstory_10","txt":"Female Voice:\nYep, my father was a gambling man, just like in the song. Thing is - he wasn't bad at it. In fact he could win at poker no matter what he got dealt... at least when he was sober. "},"backstory_10":{"next":"backstory_11","txt":"Female Voice:\nHe would spend most nights playing with the local thugs, winning almost every hand dealt until people started buying him drinks.","img":"img/prologue/gambling.webp"},"backstory_11":{"next":"backstory_12","txt":"Female Voice:\nHe didn't care about winning, he just like to play and he really liked to drink. "},"backstory_12":{"next":"backstory_13","txt":"Female Voice:\nThe kind of people he played with... well 'kind' was not the kind he played with. But they all knew him and sometimes even let him crawl back home with a few bucks in his pocket. ","img":"img/prologue/cheap_thugs.webp"},"backstory_13":{"next":"backstory_14","txt":"Female Voice:\nMom always said he'd get himself killed playing like that and when the cops showed up one day, it turned out she wasn't far off. ","img":"img/prologue/cop_at_door.webp"},"backstory_14":{"next":"backstory_15","txt":"Female Voice:\nSome new guys showed up in town and I'm talking real criminal here, Ukrainian Mafia or something.","img":"img/prologue/thug.webp"},"backstory_15":{"next":"backstory_16","txt":"Female Voice:\nWhen they joined to play, Dad wasn't drunk enough to loose but not sober enough to know when to quit. ","img":"img/prologue/gambling2.webp"},"backstory_16":{"next":"backstory_17","txt":"Female Voice:\nIt ended like everyone knew it would - shots where fired, a guy got killed. Dad got shot in the leg, so when the cops showed up, he was the only one not fast enough to get away.","img":"img/prologue/gambling_dead.webp"},"backstory_17":{"next":"backstory_18","txt":"Female Voice:\nDad said the cops forced him to testify in the murder case, but I think they just offered to pay the hospital bill - and I'm glad for that because sure as hell we couldn't afford that.","img":"img/prologue/crime_scene.webp","cmd":["overlay_img('img/police/lit_1.webp', 'overlay_disco1')","overlay_img('img/police/lit_2.webp', 'overlay_disco2', False)"]},"backstory_18":{"next":"backstory_19","txt":"Female Voice:\nTurns out the guy pulling the trigger was someone important in the Mafia, the cops really wanted him behind bars but nobody was stupid enough to testify against him..."},"backstory_19":{"next":"backstory_20","txt":"Female Voice:\nNobody except my gambler of a Dad."},"backstory_20":{"next":"backstory_21","txt":"Female Voice:\nTo cut the long story short - this is more or less how me and my family got into the witness protection program. \n","img":"img/prologue/witness_1.webp","cmd":["overlay_img(None)"]},"debug_1":{"next":"debug_2","pc":"smile","txt":"This is the debug_1 node. Why are You here?","img":"img/bg/outside/007.webp","npc":"img/npc/ben.webp","cmd":["svg_filter()"]},"debug_2":{"txt":"Go to shop?","choice":[["True","Open clothes","debug_shop"],["True","Open shop","debug_shop2"],["True","Test night","debug_night"]]},"backstory_21":{"next":"backstory_22","txt":"Female Voice:\nCops got some safe house ready for Dad for when he heals up enough to leave the hospital. "},"backstory_22":{"next":"backstory_23","txt":"Female Voice:\nHe had to stay in town until the case got in and out of court, but me and Mom had to leave for everyone's sake. At least for some time.","img":"img/prologue/witness_2.webp"},"backstory_23":{"next":"backstory_24","txt":"Female Voice:\nWe both got new names and identities. I don't even know what part of the country Mom got send of to and what fake name and backstory she got.","img":"img/prologue/witness_2.webp"},"backstory_24":{"next":"backstory_25","txt":"Female Voice:\nAs for my backstory - my real name is Flavia Rogers, and my new, fake name is Emily Haze. Not what I'd choose, but I guess it could be worse. ","img":"img/prologue/witness_3.webp"},"backstory_25":{"next":"backstory_26","txt":"Emily:\nI'm a student in my senior year at Westview High where I got a social scholarship as part of a inter-school exchange program. "},"backstory_26":{"next":"backstory_27","txt":"Emily:\nSounds like total BS, if you ask me, but that's what I'm gonna stick to when people start questioning who I am. ","img":"img/prologue/witness_4.webp"},"debug_shop":{"next":"debug_2","pc":"last","cmd":["change_clothes(enforce_stats=0)"]},"debug_shop2":{"next":"debug_2","pc":"last","cmd":["shop('test_shop')"]},"debug_night":{"next":"debug_1","pc":"happy","txt":"Testing night filter...","img":"img/common/school_coridor_night.webp","npc":"img/npc/cris.webp","cmd":["svg_filter('night')"]},"explore_map":{"eval_jump_to":"map_explore","no_save":0},"go_to_school_hint":{"branch":[["random_branch","go_to_school_hint1"],["random_branch","go_to_school_hint2"],["random_branch","go_to_school_hint3"],["random_branch","go_to_school_hint4"],["random_branch","go_to_school_hint1"],["random_branch","go_to_school_hint1"],["random_branch","go_to_school_hint1"],["random_branch","go_to_school_hint1"]]},"explore_day":{"branch":[["is_weekend()","explore_day_weekend"],["not is_weekend()","explore_day_weekday"]]},"explore_night":{"branch":[["is_weekday(TIME.SATURDAY) or is_weekday(TIME.FRIDAY)","explore_all_night"],["True","explore_night_go_home"]]},"go_to_school_hint2":{"next":"go_to_school_hint_map","txt":"Emily:\nAnother smoggy weekday morning...\nI should probably go to school and not wonder around.\n*sigh*","img":"img/common/city_morning2.webp"},"go_to_school_hint1":{"next":"go_to_school_hint_map","txt":"Emily:\nAnother wonderful weekday morning...\nI should probably go to school and not wonder around.\n*sigh*","img":"img/common/city_morning.webp"},"go_to_school_hint3":{"next":"go_to_school_hint_map","txt":"Emily:\nAnother foggy weekday morning. Makes you wanna crawl back into bed and go back to sleep, but I guess I should be off to school. Fuck me, right? \n","img":"img/common/city_morning3.webp"},"go_to_school_hint4":{"next":"go_to_school_hint_map","txt":"Emily:\nLooks like it's going to rain today. Again. Maybe it's better that I need to go to school anyway?","img":"img/common/city_morning4.webp"},"go_to_school_hint_map":{"cmd":["show_map(['home', 'school', 'explore'], False)"]},"backstory_27":{"next":"backstory_28","txt":"Emily:\nTo be honest I don't know how I should feel about all of this. I mean, sure, there are some Bad People out there wanting to do me and my family harm..."},"backstory_28":{"next":"backstory_29","txt":"Emily:\n...but do I really need to worry about that? Even if someone is looking for me, there's no way in hell they'll actually find me. Right?"},"backstory_29":{"next":"backstory_30","txt":"Emily:\nI get to start anew, finish school and all that... but the obvious downside is that I need to actually go to school. \n"},"backstory_30":{"next":"rooms_intro_1","txt":"Emily:\nThe upsides... well there are a few. Like this room. My room. ","img":"img/common/pc_room.webp"},"rooms_intro_1":{"next":"rooms_intro_2","txt":"Emily:\nI got my very own, double bed... ","img":"img/common/pc_room.webp"},"rooms_intro_2":{"next":"rooms_intro_3","txt":"Emily:\nI got a kitchen, with fridge, microwave and a freaking dishwasher.","img":"img/common/pc_room_kitchen.webp"},"rooms_intro_3":{"next":"rooms_intro_4","txt":"Emily:\nI got a bathroom all to myself, not just with a shower, but an actual bath. ","img":"img/common/pc_room_bath.webp"},"rooms_intro_4":{"next":"rooms_intro_5","txt":"Emily:\nThe best part is - it's all rent free! \n","img":"img/common/pc_room.webp"},"rooms_intro_5":{"next":"d0_phone_1","txt":"Emily:\nSure, I mean, I need to get a job to buy food and whatnot, because all the cops gave me is a phone..."},"d0_phone_1":{"next":"d0_phone_2","txt":"Emily:\nAh, right. The Phone. I know everyone has one these days, but all I ever owned was an old Nokia 3210. ","img":"img/prologue/sms.webp","no_save":0,"cmd":["set_quest('phone', 'Play with your phone')"]},"d0_phone_2":{"next":"d0_phone_3","txt":"Emily:\nThis one's got a touchscreen, a HD camera, GPS, 2.4/5GHz IEEE 802.11a/b/g/n ... what ever the fuck that is. "},"d0_phone_3":{"txt":"Emily:\nMaybe I should test it out? I don't know what the IEEE stuff is for, but a camera? Yeah, I can use a camera. ","img":"img/prologue/sms.webp","no_save":0,"choice":[["True","Take a random photo","d0_foto_foot"],["True","Take a selfie","d0_selfie_1"],["True","Don't take any photos","d0_phone_lame"]],"cmd":["set_clothes(['oversized_t-shirt'])"]},"d0_foto_foot":{"next":"d0_foto_foot1","txt":"You aim the phone at random and tap the screen.","img":"img/prologue/selfie_foot.webp"},"d0_selfie_1":{"next":"d0_selfie_2","txt":"While trying to look cute and sexy, you point the phones camera at yourself and tap the screen to take a picture.","img":"img/prologue/selfie1.webp","cmd":["exec_once('save.slut+=1')"]},"d0_phone_lame":{"next":"d0_phone_lame_1","txt":"Emily:\nNah, I got better things to do right now anyway.","img":"img/prologue/sms.webp","no_save":0},"d0_foto_foot1":{"next":"d0_more_foto","txt":"Emily:\nGreat. I've made a picture of my foot. ","no_save":0,"cmd":["splash((240, 240, 250, 1.0), time=700)","save.has_foot_photo = 1","save.has_photo = 1"]},"d0_more_foto":{"txt":"Do You want to take more pictures?","choice":[["not save.has_foot_photo","Take a random photo","d0_foto_foot"],["not save.has_selfie","Take a selfie","d0_selfie_1"],["save.has_selfie and not save.has_nude_selfie","Take a topless selfie","d0_nude_selfie_1"],["True","Don't take any photos","d0_phone_lame"]]},"d0_nude_selfie_1":{"next":"d0_nude_selfie_2","txt":"Hesitating only for a brief moment, you pull down your top and point the camera at yourself. ","img":"img/prologue/selfie_2.webp","cmd":["exec_once('save.slut+=2')"]},"d0_selfie_2":{"next":"d0_more_foto","txt":"Emily:\nLookin' good, even if I say so myself.","cmd":["splash((240, 240, 250, 1.0), time=700)","save.has_selfie = 1","save.has_photo = 1"]},"d0_nude_selfie_2":{"next":"d0_more_foto","txt":"Emily:\nWhy am I even doing this? Feels kind of wrong, but I'm not gonna show this to anyone. So... no big deal, right? ","cmd":["splash((240, 240, 250, 1.0), time=700)","save.has_photo = 1","save.has_nude_selfie = 1"]},"d0_del_photos":{"txt":"Emily:\nLet's see how the pictures turned out.","img":"img/prologue/phone.webp","choice":[["save.has_foot_photo","Foot photo","d0_check_foot_foto"],["save.has_selfie","Selfie","d0_check_selfie"],["save.has_nude_selfie","Naughty Selfie","d0_check_nude_selfie"],["True","Finish looking.","d0_shower_0"]]},"d0_shower_0":{"next":"d0_shower_t","pc":"smile","txt":"Emily:\nWell, enough of that. Time to get ready for my first day at school. I should at least take a shower, I guess.","img":"img/common/pc_room_bath.webp","no_save":0,"cmd":["set_quest('phone')","set_quest('school', 'Get ready for school')"]},"d0_check_foot_foto":{"next":"d0_check_foot_foto1","txt":"Emily:\nIt's a picture. A picture of my foot... for some reason?","img":"img/prologue/phone_foot.webp"},"d0_check_selfie":{"next":"d0_check_selfie1","txt":"Emily:\nMy selfie. Kind of cute, kind of sexy.","img":"img/prologue/phone_selfie_1.webp"},"d0_check_nude_selfie":{"next":"d0_check_nude_selfie1","txt":"Emily:\nWow, this turned out sexy... I should probably delete it.","img":"img/prologue/phone_selfie_2.webp"},"d0_check_foot_foto1":{"txt":"Do You want to keep this photo?","choice":[["True","Delete it","d0_del_foot"],["True","Keep it.","d0_del_photos"]]},"d0_del_foot":{"eval_jump_to":"'d0_del_photos' if save.has_photo else 'd0_shower_0'","no_save":1,"cmd":["save.remove('has_foot_photo')","if save.has_selfie==0 and save.has_nude_selfie==0: save.has_photo=0 "]},"d0_check_selfie1":{"txt":"Do You want to keep this photo?","choice":[["True","Delete it","d0_del_selfie"],["True","Keep it","d0_del_photos"]]},"d0_del_selfie":{"eval_jump_to":"'d0_del_photos' if save.has_photo else 'd0_shower_0'","no_save":1,"cmd":["save.remove('has_selfie')","if save.has_foot_photo==0 and save.has_nude_selfie==0: save.has_photo=0 "]},"d0_check_nude_selfie1":{"txt":"You should probably delete this photo","choice":[["True","DELETE! DELETE NOW!","d0_del_nudie"],["True","Delete it","d0_del_nudie"],["True","Keep it","d0_del_photos"]]},"d0_del_nudie":{"eval_jump_to":"'d0_del_photos' if save.has_photo else 'd0_shower_0'","no_save":1,"cmd":["save.remove('has_nude_selfie')","if save.has_foot_photo==0 and save.has_selfie==0: save.has_photo=0 ","exec_once('save.slut-=1')"]},"d0_shower_1":{"next":"d0_shower_2","pc":"blush","txt":"You strip nude and get into the shower. ","img":"img/common/pc_room_bath.webp","cmd":["strip_nude()"]},"d0_shower_2":{"txt":"You fiddle for a moment with the tap, setting the water temperature just right, before washing your whole body. ","img":"img/prologue/shower.webp","choice":[["True","Stay in the shower for a while.","d0_shower_3"],["True","Finish the shower.","d0_shower_end"]]},"d0_shower_3":{"txt":"You sigh with pleasure, knowing that for once the hot water won't suddenly run out - another small luxury you didn't have back home.","img":"img/prologue/shower_wet.webp","choice":[["True","Explore your body","d0_shower_4"],["True","Finish showering","d0_shower_end"]]},"d0_shower_end":{"next":"d0_shower_dry0","pc":"blush","txt":"Emily:\nI should probably get dressed for school. ","img":"img/common/pc_room_bath.webp","no_save":0,"cmd":["save.pc_is_wet = 1"]},"d0_shower_4":{"next":"d0_shower_5","txt":"You slide your hands all over your body. Your wet and soapy skin makes your fingers glide effortlessly over your curves.","img":"img/prologue/shower_wet.webp"},"credits":{"next":"credits_end","txt":"Click here to exit...","no_save":1,"cmd":["splash((0,0,0, 1.0), 'normal', time=3500)","parallax_imgs(['img/parallax/roof_l0.webp', 'img/parallax/roof_l1.webp', 'img/parallax/roof_l2.webp'], 'x')","music('like_the_wind')","start_credits()","_show('monetize', False)"]},"credits_end":{"eval_jump_to":"'back_to_main'","no_save":1,"cmd":["end_credits()","_show('monetize', True)"]},"d0_shower_5":{"next":"d0_shower_6","txt":"Not thinking much about what you're doing, you move your hand down between your legs, lightly spreading your pussy lips.","img":"img/prologue/shower_touch.webp"},"d0_shower_6":{"next":"d0_shower_7","txt":"Closing your eyes and softly moaning with pleasure, You let a steady stream of water flow down your belly and onto your exposed clit."},"d0_shower_7":{"next":"d0_shower_end","txt":"You sigh with frustration after a few enjoyable moments, knowing you don't have enough time to fool around. ","img":"img/prologue/shower_wet.webp","cmd":["exec_once('save.slut+=1')"]},"d0_shower_dry0":{"pc":"happy","txt":"There are a few big towels that came as part of the apartments equipment so You quickly dry yourself up with one of them.","no_save":0,"choice":[["True","Wrap yourself in a towel.","d0_shower_dry1"],["True","Walk around apartment nude.","d0_shower_dry2"]],"cmd":["save.pc_is_wet = 0"]},"d0_shower_dry1":{"next":"d0_get_dressed","pc":"happy","txt":"You wrap yourself in a towel before going out of the bathroom.","img":"img/common/pc_room_window.webp","cmd":["set_clothes(['towel_1'])"]},"d0_shower_dry2":{"next":"d0_shower_dry3","pc":"happy","txt":"You don't bother with a towel exiting the bathroom, after all you're alone in your very own apartment.","img":"img/common/pc_room_window.webp"},"d0_get_dressed":{"next":"d0_get_dressed_1","pc":"last","txt":"Emily:\nI can't just wear anything to school, but I don't have many clothes to choose from right now. It's skirt'n'shirt, I guess.","img":"img/common/pc_room2.webp","no_save":0,"cmd":["music('dorris_day')"]},"d0_shower_dry3":{"next":"d0_shower_dry4","pc":"happy","txt":"As you step out of the bathroom, you notice for the first time the big window in the corridor. Without curtains nor shutters, it gives a nice view of the building opposite the street... ","cmd":["exec_once('save.rep_peeking_tom +=1')"]},"d0_shower_dry4":{"next":"d0_get_dressed","pc":"blush","txt":"... it probably also gives a nice view of your body to anyone looking out the window at this particular moment.","cmd":["exec_once('save.slut+=1')"]},"d0_dress4school":{"next":"d0_map2school","pc":"happy","no_save":0,"cmd":["change_clothes({'school', 'nude', 'bra', 'panties', 'stockings'})","overlay_img(None)"]},"d0_map2school":{"no_save":0,"cmd":["show_map(['school_d0', 'home_d0'], False)","set_quest('school', 'Go to school')"]},"map_school_d0":{"pc":"neutral","eval_jump_to":"'school_day_0'","no_save":1},"map_home_d0":{"next":"d0_map2school","txt":"Emily:\nThis is where my apartment is, but I've no time to linger here, I need to get going to school!","img":"img/common/home.webp"},"d0_bus_0":{"next":"d0_bus_1","pc":"last","txt":"Emily:\nIt's kind of crowded, and the tickets are way too expensive, but since I got my all-routs-bus-pass for free, I can't really complain. "},"d0_bus_1":{"next":"d0_bus_2","pc":"smile","txt":"Emily:\nAnd it sure as heck beats walking."},"d0_bus_2":{"next":"d0_bus_3","txt":"On one of the stops a large group of people rush out of the bus only to be replaced with a different group of people. In the commotion, some guy bumps into you and gives you a creepy smile.","img":"img/common/bus_full.webp"},"d0_bus_3":{"txt":"The Bus Creep:\nSorry, my bad.","npc":"img/npc/ben.webp","choice":[["True","Get mad.","d0_bus_mad"],["True","Ignore.","d0_bus_ignore"],["True","Be polite.","d0_bus_polite"]]},"d0_bus_mad":{"next":"d0_bus_4","pc":"neutral","txt":"Emily:\nHey! What the fuck? Ever heard of personal space? ","npc":"img/npc/ben.webp","no_save":0,"cmd":["exec_once('save.rep_ben -= 1')"]},"d0_bus_ignore":{"next":"d0_bus_4","pc":"neutral","txt":"Emily:\nYeah, whatever. Just look where you're going next time.","npc":"img/npc/ben.webp"},"d0_bus_polite":{"next":"d0_bus_4","pc":"smile","txt":"Emily:\nNo harm done and it wasn't your fault anyway.","npc":"img/npc/ben.webp","cmd":["exec_once('save.rep_ben += 1')"]},"d0_bus_4":{"next":"d0_bus_5","txt":"The guy mumbles something in return, but in the noisy bus you can't quite make out what he's saying and just as you want to ask him to repeat - your phone dings."},"d0_bus_5":{"next":"d0_bus_6","txt":"You pull out your phone to check it, and as you suspected you got a message...","img":"img/prologue/bus_phone.webp"},"d0_bus_6":{"next":"d0_bus_7","txt":"SMS:\nHi Flavia, its Mom. Got your nr from the cops. Can't call. Write my nr just not as Mrs Rogers, I'm Ms Smith now. -luv"},"d0_bus_7":{"next":"d0_bus_8","txt":"You smile to yourself as you type in a reply. It's quite a relief for you knowing, that if something goes bad, you now have a way to contact your family."},"d0_bus_8":{"next":"d0_bus_9","txt":"Your SMS:\nThx Mom, got the number. I'm Emily now BTW. Best delete the messages later, I'll do the same. \nP.S. 'Ms'? Don't tell Dad :P"},"d0_bus_9":{"next":"d0_bus_10","txt":"You put away your phone just as the bus halts abruptly at your bus stop. The same guy that bumped into you earlier bumps into you again.","img":"img/common/bus_full.webp"},"d0_bus_10":{"next":"d0_bus_11","txt":"The Bus Creep:\nSorry, again...","npc":"img/npc/ben.webp"},"d0_bus_11":{"next":"d0_school_entry","pc":"neutral","txt":"You just roll your eyes in annoyance and leave the bus before it drives of."},"d0_school_entry":{"next":"d0_school_entry_1","txt":"The bus stop is almost exactly in front of your new school, you only manage to take a few steps in that direction before hearing the now familiar voice behind you... ","img":"img/common/school_entry2.webp"},"d0_school_entry_1":{"txt":"The Bus Creep:\nHey girl, wait up!","npc":"img/npc/ben.webp","choice":[["True","Keep going.","d0_school_entry_ignore"],["True","See what he wants.","d0_school_entry_normal"],["True","Yell at him.","d0_school_entry_mad"]]},"d0_school_entry_ignore":{"next":"d0_school_entry_ignore_1","txt":"You quicken up your pace, power walking towards the school entrance. "},"d0_school_entry_normal":{"next":"d0_school_entry_normal_1","pc":"neutral","txt":"You silently sigh and turn around. You put your hands on your hips waiting for the guy to catch up. ","cmd":["exec_once('save.rep_ben += 1')"]},"d0_school_entry_mad":{"next":"d0_school_entry_mad1","pc":"upset","txt":"Emily:\nKeep away from me you creep! I swear, I'll call the cops on you!","no_save":0,"cmd":["exec_once('save.rep_ben -= 1')"]},"d0_school_entry_ignore_1":{"next":"d0_school_entry_ignore_2","txt":"The Bus Creep:\nWait up! I think you dropped your phone!","npc":"img/npc/ben.webp"},"d0_school_entry_mad1":{"next":"d0_school_entry_mad2","pc":"neutral","txt":"The Bus Creep:\nYeah, right. Go ahead. Just try it.","npc":"img/npc/ben.webp"},"d0_school_entry_mad2":{"next":"d0_school_entry_phone","txt":"Feeling a bit panicked, you reach for your phone only to find it missing. Your gut sinks even further when you notice that the guy approaching is holding what looks to be your phone. "},"d0_school_entry_phone":{"next":"d0_school_entry_phone1","txt":"The Bus Creep:\nI saw you drop this when getting of the bus and figured you might want it back.","npc":"img/npc/ben.webp"},"d0_school_entry_ignore_2":{"next":"d0_school_entry_phone","txt":"You slow down to check your belongings and indeed your phone is gone! This gives The Bus Creep enough time to catch up with you."},"d0_school_entry_phone1":{"next":"d0_school_entry_phone2","pc":"neutral","txt":"Emily:\nOh...? Em, so that's why you're following me? ","no_save":0,"cmd":["set_quest('ben', 'Get your phone back')"]},"d0_school_entry_phone2":{"next":"d0_school_entry_phone3","txt":"The Bus Creep shrugs and smiles again at you, in his signature creepy way.","npc":"img/npc/ben.webp"},"d0_school_entry_phone3":{"next":"d0_school_entry_phone4","txt":"The Bus Creep:\nWell, yeah. What did you think I was after? ","npc":"img/npc/ben.webp"},"d0_school_entry_normal_1":{"next":"d0_school_entry_phone","txt":"As the guy approaches, you notice he's holding something in his hand. Something that looks remarkably similar to your cell phone. "},"d0_school_entry_phone4":{"next":"d0_school_entry_phone5","pc":"blush","txt":"Emily:\nEm... I was just... y'know?\nAnyways, can I have my phone back, now?","npc":"img/npc/ben.webp"},"d0_school_entry_phone5":{"next":"d0_school_entry_phone6","pc":"neutral","txt":"The Bus Creep:\nFine, whatever. You can have it back as soon as you prove to me it's actually your phone.","npc":"img/npc/ben.webp"},"d0_school_entry_phone6":{"next":"d0_school_entry_phone7","pc":"upset","txt":"Emily:\nYou just said you've seen me drop it!","npc":"img/npc/ben.webp","cmd":["music('know_myself')"]},"d0_school_entry_phone7":{"txt":"The Bus Creep:\nYeah, maybe, but just because you dropped it doesn't mean it's yours. Maybe you've stolen it? How am I to know? ","npc":"img/npc/ben.webp","choice":[["not save.ben_has_pin","I know the unlock code","d0_give_pin1"],["not save.ben_has_nr","I know the number","d0_give_nr_1"],["save.has_photo","There's my photo on it","d0_give_photo_1"],["True","What do you want for it?","d0_give_nothing_0"]]},"d0_give_pin1":{"next":"d0_give_pin2","pc":"happy","txt":"Emily:\nIt's my phone, I'm the only one that knows the unlock code."},"d0_give_nr_1":{"next":"d0_give_nr_2","pc":"happy","txt":"Emily:\nI know the phone number, that should prove something, right?","npc":"img/npc/ben.webp"},"d0_give_photo_1":{"next":"d0_give_photo_2","pc":"neutral","txt":"Emily:\nI think I've got a few photos of myself on there, I could show you..."},"d0_give_nothing_0":{"next":"d0_ben_deal_1","pc":"upset","txt":"Emily:\nI get it, just cut to the chase and tell me what you want for it, but if you're after money...","npc":"img/npc/ben.webp"},"d0_ben_deal_1":{"next":"d0_ben_deal_2","txt":"The Bus Creep:\nWho said anything about money?","npc":"img/npc/ben.webp"},"d0_give_nr_2":{"next":"d0_give_nr_3","pc":"last","txt":"The Bus Creep:\nI guess it's something. What's the number?","npc":"img/npc/ben.webp","cmd":["save.ben_has_nr = 1","exec_once('save.rep_ben += 1')"]},"d0_give_nr_3":{"next":"d0_give_nr_4","txt":"You recite the number and the guy pulls out his own phone and makes a call. Your phone starts to ring after a short delay."},"d0_give_nr_4":{"next":"d0_give_nr_5","pc":"happy","txt":"Emily:\nThere you go. You can give me back MY phone now."},"d0_give_nr_5":{"next":"d0_give_nothing_0","txt":"The Bus Creep:\nFair enough, but can I ask for something in return...","npc":"img/npc/ben.webp"},"d0_give_pin2":{"next":"d0_give_pin3","pc":"upset","txt":"The Bus Creep:\nAlright, prove it.","npc":"img/npc/ben.webp"},"d0_give_pin3":{"next":"d0_give_pin4","txt":"He holds out the phone to you in his outstretched hand, but not letting you take it into your own hands. "},"d0_give_pin4":{"next":"d0_give_pin5","txt":"Just wanting to end this as quick as possible, you cover the screen as good as you can and you punch in your pin code. ","no_save":0,"cmd":["save.ben_has_pin = 1"]},"d0_give_pin5":{"next":"d0_give_nr_4","txt":"The guy pulls his hand back, takes a look at the screen and nods his head. ","npc":"img/npc/ben.webp"},"d0_give_photo_2":{"next":"d0_give_photo_3","pc":"last","txt":"The Bus Creep:\nYeah, great idea, just unlock it and show me a picture.","npc":"img/npc/ben.webp"},"d0_give_photo_3":{"next":"d0_give_photo_4","txt":"He holds out the phone to you in his outstretched hand, but not letting you take it into your own hands. "},"d0_give_photo_4":{"txt":"You unlock the phone and open the photo gallery app. Which picture do you want to show him?","choice":[["save.has_foot_photo","Picture of your foot","d0_give_photo_foot_1"],["save.has_selfie","Selfie","d0_give_photo_selfie_1"],["save.has_nude_selfie","Topless selfie","d0_give_photo_nude_1"],["True","Don't show any photos","d0_give_photo_none"]]},"d0_give_photo_foot_1":{"next":"d0_give_photo_foot_2","txt":"You open up the picture of your foot that you made this morning and hand the guy your phone back.","img":"img/prologue/phone_shool_foot.webp"},"d0_give_photo_selfie_1":{"next":"d0_give_photo_selfie_2","txt":"You open up the selfie you made this morning and hand the guy your phone back.","img":"img/prologue/phone_shool_selfie_1.webp"},"d0_give_photo_nude_1":{"next":"d0_give_photo_nude_2","txt":"You open up the topless selfie you made this morning. You feel the excitement rising inside of you just thinking about showing this picture to some random dude.","img":"img/prologue/phone_shool_selfie_2.webp"},"d0_give_photo_none":{"next":"d0_give_photo_none_1","pc":"upset","txt":"Emily:\nYou know what? On second thought, I'm not gonna show you anything. ","no_save":0,"cmd":["exec_once('save.rep_ben -= 1')"]},"d0_give_photo_none_1":{"next":"d0_give_nothing_0","pc":"upset","txt":"The Bus Creep:\nToo bad, cause in that case, I can't just give you the phone.","npc":"img/npc/ben.webp"},"d0_give_photo_foot_2":{"next":"d0_give_photo_foot_3","txt":"He takes a look at the picture, you can clearly see the confusion on his face. "},"d0_give_photo_foot_3":{"next":"d0_give_photo_foot_4","txt":"The Bus Creep:\nIt's a foot.","img":"img/common/school_entry2.webp","npc":"img/npc/ben.webp","cmd":["exec_once('save.rep_ben += 1')"]},"d0_give_photo_foot_4":{"next":"d0_give_photo_foot_5","pc":"smile","txt":"Emily:\nIt's not just a foot, it's My Foot.","npc":"img/npc/ben.webp"},"d0_give_photo_foot_5":{"next":"d0_give_photo_foot_6","txt":"The guy stares at the phone in silence for a moment, a sly smile slowly forming on his lips. ","cmd":["save.ben_has_foot_photo=1"]},"d0_give_photo_foot_6":{"next":"d0_give_photo_foot_7","txt":"The Bus Creep:\nOkay, I can play your game.\nYou're saying this is your foot? I say: Prove it! ","npc":"img/npc/ben.webp"},"d0_give_photo_foot_7":{"next":"d0_give_photo_foot_8","pc":"upset","txt":"Emily:\nWait, what?","cmd":["save.day0_legwear='stockings' if match_clothes({'pantyhose_white'})>0.9 else 'socks'"]},"d0_give_photo_foot_8":{"txt":"The Bus Creep:\nWasn't this your idea to begin with? It's simple - take of your shoes and your {save.day0_legwear} so I can compare your feet to the photo. ","npc":"img/npc/ben.webp","choice":[["True","Show him your feet","d0_show_feet_1"],["True","Don't do it","d0_give_photo_none"]]},"d0_show_feet_1":{"next":"d0_show_feet_2","pc":"blush","txt":"Emily:\nFine, I'll do it, if that's the only way to get my phone back.","cmd":["exec_once('save.rep_ben += 1')","exec_once('save.rep_school+=1')","exec_once('save.slut+=1')"]},"d0_show_feet_socks":{"next":"d0_show_feet_socks_1","txt":"The guy just nods and looks down to your legs. His penetrating gaze makes you feel kind of vulnerable and exposed even before you begin to strip.","img":"img/prologue/school_feet_1.webp"},"d0_show_feet_stockings":{"next":"d0_show_feet_stockings_1","txt":"The guy just nods and looks down to your legs. His penetrating gaze makes you feel kind of vulnerable and exposed even before you begin to strip.","img":"img/prologue/school_feet_2.webp"},"d0_show_feet_stockings_1":{"next":"d0_show_feet_stockings_2","txt":"...but it's not entirely unpleasant. You feel a strange warmth as you slip your feet out of your shoes. "},"d0_show_feet_stockings_2":{"next":"d0_show_feet_stockings_3","txt":"You excitement only grows when you move your hands under your skirt and hook your fingers around your pantyhose band, getting ready to pull them down."},"d0_show_feet_stockings_3":{"next":"d0_show_feet_stockings_4","txt":"You tell yourself you need to do this, that it's the only way. But you know that ain't true. There's no threat, no danger, no real compulsion. "},"d0_show_feet_stockings_4":{"next":"d0_show_feet_stockings_5","txt":"You heart beats faster as you realise how easy it was for a complete stranger to get you to strip in a public place... even if you strip just a little bit."},"d0_show_feet_stockings_5":{"next":"d0_show_feet_3","txt":"You pull down your pantyhose, careful not to pull down your panties as well and after a brief moment you're standing barefoot in the street, in front of your new school building.","img":"img/prologue/school_feet_3.webp","no_save":0,"cmd":["set_clothes('no_stockings')"]},"d0_show_feet_2":{"branch":[["save.day0_legwear == 'stockings'","d0_show_feet_stockings"],["True","d0_show_feet_socks"]]},"d0_show_feet_3":{"next":"d0_show_feet_4","txt":"You can see the guy flipping his gaze from the phone to you and back again. After doing that a couple of time, he finally shakes his head and shrugs. "},"d0_show_feet_socks_1":{"next":"d0_show_feet_socks_2","txt":"...but it's not entirely unpleasant. You feel a strange warmth as you slip your feet out of your shoes. "},"d0_show_feet_socks_2":{"next":"d0_show_feet_socks_3","txt":"You excitement only grows when you crouch down to pull of your socks."},"d0_show_feet_socks_3":{"next":"d0_show_feet_socks_4","txt":"You tell yourself you need to do this, that it's the only way. But you know that ain't true. There's no threat, no danger, no real compulsion. "},"d0_show_feet_socks_4":{"next":"d0_show_feet_socks_5","txt":"You heart beats faster as you realise how easy it was for a complete stranger to get you to strip in a public place... even if you strip just a little bit."},"d0_show_feet_socks_5":{"next":"d0_show_feet_3","txt":"You pull off your socks and after a brief moment you're standing barefoot in the street, in front of your new school building.","img":"img/prologue/school_feet_3.webp"},"d0_show_feet_4":{"next":"d0_give_nothing_0","txt":"The Bus Creep:\nYeah... y'know? I can't really tell. But I guess it proves you want the phone back really bad. ","img":"img/common/school_entry2.webp","npc":"img/npc/ben_b.webp","cmd":["exec_once('save.slut+=1')"]},"d0_give_photo_selfie_2":{"next":"d0_give_photo_selfie_3","txt":"He takes a moment looking at the picture and back at you again.","img":"img/common/school_entry2.webp","cmd":["exec_once('save.rep_ben+=1')","save.ben_has_selfie = 1","exec_once('save.slut+=1')"]},"d0_give_photo_nude_2":{"branch":[["save.has_foot_photo or save.has_selfie","d0_give_photo_nude_3"],["not (save.has_foot_photo or save.has_selfie)","d0_give_photo_nude_4"],["True","d0_give_photo_nude_3"]]},"d0_give_photo_nude_3":{"txt":"You have other pictures on the phone, and you know that showing this photo to anyone is a Bad Idea... so why does the thought excite you this much? ","choice":[["True","Find a different photo","d0_give_photo_4"],["True","Show him this picture","d0_give_photo_nude_5"]]},"d0_give_photo_nude_4":{"next":"d0_give_photo_nude_5","txt":"For a moment you regret deleting the other pictures you made this morning, but just for a moment. Would you even consider showing this one if you had different options? "},"d0_give_photo_nude_5":{"next":"d0_give_photo_nude_6","txt":"Your hands tremble a bit and you hold in you breath as you hand back your phone.","cmd":["save.ben_has_nudie = 1","exec_once('save.slut+=2')"]},"d0_give_photo_nude_6":{"next":"d0_give_photo_nude_7","txt":"You can see the guys eyes go wide as he sees what's on screen. He opens his mouth as if to say something, but no words come out, making him look like a fish out of water."},"d0_give_photo_nude_7":{"next":"d0_give_photo_nude_8","txt":"The Bus Creep:\nWow! Not what I expected. ","img":"img/common/school_entry2.webp","npc":"img/npc/ben_b.webp","cmd":["exec_once('save.rep_ben+=3')"]},"tutorial_12":{"next":"prologue_jump","txt":"Tutorial:\nYou'll be fine. Now let's get this game started!","cmd":["save.clear('tut_')"]},"d0_give_photo_nude_8":{"next":"d0_give_photo_nude_9","pc":"blush","txt":"Emily:\nWell, if you don't like it...","npc":"img/npc/ben_b.webp"},"d0_give_photo_nude_9":{"next":"d0_give_photo_nude_10","txt":"The Bus Creep:\nThat's not what I meant. The picture's great, I just regret not asking you to send me the picture. Too late for that now, hmm?","npc":"img/npc/ben_b.webp"},"d0_give_photo_nude_10":{"next":"d0_give_photo_nude_11","pc":"smile","txt":"Emily:\nNice try, but no, I'm not letting you keep it.","npc":"img/npc/ben_b.webp"},"d0_give_photo_nude_11":{"next":"d0_ben_deal_2","txt":"The Bus Creep: \nRight, fair enough.","npc":"img/npc/ben_b.webp"},"d0_ben_deal_2":{"next":"d0_ben_deal_3","txt":"The Bus Creep:\nLook, I think we got off on the wrong foot.{' Sorry for that, I honestly did not want to freak you out.' if save.rep_ben >3 else ''} Let's start over - My name is Ben.","npc":"img/npc/ben.webp"},"d0_ben_deal_3":{"next":"d0_ben_deal_4","txt":"Ben:\nYou're going to school here, right? Why else would you be going this way? And I'd guess you're senior year, cause you look like senior year to me.","npc":"img/npc/ben.webp"},"tutorial_tts1":{"next":"tutorial_tts2","txt":"Tutorial:\nThe slider under the speech bubble icon is the text-to-speech (tts) volume. By default it's set to zero (off). "},"tutorial_tts2":{"next":"tutorial_rollback","txt":"Tutorial:\nIf you want to use the text-to-speech feature, set the volume using that slider and click on the speech bubble icon to select a voice for each actor in the game. ","no_save":0},"d0_give_photo_selfie_3":{"txt":"The Bus Creep:\nNice one, who did you want to send this to? Your boyfriend? ","npc":"img/npc/ben.webp","choice":[["True","None of your business","d0_give_photo_selfie_4"],["True","I don't have a boyfriend ","d0_give_photo_selfie_5"],["True","I forgot to delete it","d0_give_photo_selfie_6"]]},"d0_give_photo_selfie_4":{"next":"d0_give_nr_5","pc":"upset","txt":"Emily:\nThat's none of your business. Are you gonna give me back my phone now? ","cmd":["exec_once('save.rep_ben-=1')"]},"d0_give_photo_selfie_5":{"next":"d0_give_photo_selfie_7","pc":"blush","txt":"Emily:\nI don't have a boyfriend, I was just testing out the camera. ","cmd":["exec_once('save.rep_ben+=1')"]},"d0_give_photo_selfie_6":{"next":"d0_give_nr_5","pc":"neutral","txt":"Emily:\nDidn't want to send it to nobody, I just forgot to delete it, alright? Can I have my phone back now?"},"d0_give_photo_selfie_7":{"next":"d0_ben_deal_2","txt":"The Bus Creep:\nWell, good to know..","npc":"img/npc/ben.webp"},"d0_ben_deal_4":{"next":"d0_ben_deal_5","pc":"neutral","txt":"Emily:\nYeah, and if so...? ","npc":"img/npc/ben.webp"},"d0_ben_deal_5":{"next":"d0_ben_deal_6","txt":"Ben:\nWell, this is also my school, and I'm also senior year, but I haven't seen you around so you must be in a different group. ","npc":"img/npc/ben.webp"},"d0_ben_deal_6":{"next":"d0_ben_deal_7","txt":"Ben:\n...so I was wondering if you got maths with Professor Fisher, cause he's always using the same tests for all groups, and my group has maths on Fridays. ","npc":"img/npc/ben.webp"},"d0_ben_deal_7":{"next":"d0_ben_deal_8","pc":"happy","txt":"Emily:\nLet me get this straight. You want me to help you cheat on exams? ","npc":"img/npc/ben.webp"},"d0_ben_deal_8":{"next":"d0_ben_deal_9","txt":"Ben:\nNah, it's not cheating... think of it as gathering intelligence and I don't need you to get me the answers, just the questions. ","npc":"img/npc/ben.webp"},"d0_ben_deal_9":{"next":"d0_ben_deal_10","pc":"happy","txt":"Emily:\nSorry, I can't help you. I just got transferred to this school and I've no idea who my teachers are. In fact I'm heading to the principals office and I think I'm running late, so if you.. "},"d0_ben_deal_10":{"next":"d0_ben_deal_11","txt":"Ben:\nYou should tell him you want The D.","npc":"img/npc/ben.webp"},"d0_ben_deal_11":{"next":"d0_ben_deal_12","pc":"upset","txt":"Emily:\nThe what?! I'm not telling him...","npc":"img/npc/ben.webp"},"d0_ben_deal_12":{"next":"d0_ben_deal_13","txt":"Ben:\nNah, nothing like that. The D group, tell him you want to be in the D group.","npc":"img/npc/ben.webp"},"d0_ben_deal_13":{"next":"d0_ben_deal_14","pc":"blush","txt":"Emily:\nOh? Really? And why should I do that? "},"d0_ben_deal_14":{"next":"d0_ben_deal_15","txt":"Ben winks and grins at you. His grin is no less creepy then his smile","npc":"img/npc/ben.webp"},"d0_ben_deal_15":{"next":"d0_ben_deal_16","txt":"Ben:\nWell, there are three good reasons to be in the D group.","npc":"img/npc/ben.webp"},"d0_ben_deal_16":{"next":"d0_ben_deal_17","txt":"Ben:\nOne - I'm in the D group and it's always good to have a friend in a new place.","npc":"img/npc/ben.webp"},"d0_ben_deal_17":{"next":"d0_ben_deal_18","txt":"Ben:\nTwo - we got maths on Fridays and Professor Fisher always uses the same exam sheets for all groups...","npc":"img/npc/ben.webp"},"d0_ben_deal_18":{"next":"d0_ben_deal_19","pc":"happy","txt":"Emily:\nRight, and the last one...?","npc":"img/npc/ben.webp"},"d0_ben_deal_19":{"next":"d0_ben_deal_20","txt":"Ben:\nAh, you want your phone back, don't you?","npc":"img/npc/ben.webp"},"d0_ben_deal_20":{"next":"d0_ben_deal_21","pc":"upset","txt":"Emily:\nWait. You won't give me back my phone unless I'll move into your group? "},"d0_ben_deal_21":{"next":"d0_ben_deal_22","txt":"Ben:\nYou got it in one! I always like a smart girl, makes things easier. Now you better get going, lessons starts in 15 minutes, the head office is first door on the right. ","npc":"img/npc/ben.webp"},"d0_ben_deal_22":{"next":"d0_ben_deal_23","pc":"upset","txt":"Emily:\nYou can't just..."},"d0_ben_deal_23":{"next":"d0_ben_deal_24","txt":"Ben:\nSee ya in class.","npc":"img/npc/ben.webp"},"d0_ben_deal_24":{"next":"d0_ben_deal_25","txt":"Ben just turns around and walks into the school building, you try to follow him but you lose sight of him when he turns a corner. ","img":"img/common/school_entry.webp"},"d0_ben_deal_25":{"next":"d0_ben_deal_26","pc":"upset","txt":"Emily:\nSon of a peach! He just walked away with my phone.","no_save":0,"cmd":["set_quest('ben', 'Join the D group to get your phone back')"]},"d0_ben_deal_26":{"next":"d0_headmaster_0","txt":"Helpless to do anything else at the moment, you enter the school and follow Bens directions finding the Headmaster's office without any further incidents. You knock on the door.","img":"img/common/school_coridor.webp"},"d0_headmaster_0":{"next":"d0_headmaster_1","txt":"Headmaster:\nEnter.","cmd":["music('chipper_doodle')"]},"d0_headmaster_1":{"next":"d0_headmaster_2","txt":"You enter the office. Inside it looks like any school office, with the only thing remotely remarkable being its occupant. ","img":"img/common/school_office.webp"},"d0_headmaster_2":{"next":"d0_headmaster_3","txt":"A tall, dark skinned man in a well tailored suit smiles at you from behind the desk.","npc":"img/npc/head.webp"},"d0_headmaster_3":{"next":"d0_headmaster_4","txt":"Headmaster:\nGood morning, what seems to be the problem, Miss...? ","npc":"img/npc/head.webp"},"d0_headmaster_4":{"next":"d0_headmaster_5","pc":"happy","txt":"Emily:\nHaze, my name is Emily Haze, I'm a new..."},"d0_headmaster_5":{"next":"d0_headmaster_6","txt":"Before you can even finish speaking, the man types in something really fast on his keyboard and cuts in after only a quick glance at his computer monitor."},"d0_headmaster_6":{"next":"d0_headmaster_7","txt":"Headmaster:\nThe new exchange student, right. I was expecting you a bit earlier, I was hoping to give you a quick tour of the school, a bit late for that now, but no harm done.","npc":"img/npc/head.webp"},"d0_headmaster_7":{"next":"d0_headmaster_8","txt":"Headmaster:\nMy name is Njowga Anikulapo-Kuti, but calling me 'Mr Headmaster' is perfectly acceptable, preferred really. 'Sir' will also do just fine. It saves up on embarrassment for both parties.","npc":"img/npc/head.webp"},"d0_headmaster_8":{"next":"d0_headmaster_9","txt":"The man hands you some printed papers that have been laying on his desk.\n"},"d0_headmaster_9":{"next":"d0_headmaster_10","txt":"Headmaster:\nThis is your lecture plan and syllabus. There's also a copy of the school statutes - I expect you to read and memorise it. Not knowing the rules is no excuse within these walls. ","npc":"img/npc/head.webp"},"d0_headmaster_10":{"next":"d0_headmaster_11","txt":"Headmaster:\nI'd really liked this to be a longer conversation, and maybe not so one sided, but I'm afraid your classes begin in a few minutes and that's all the time we got. Any questions miss Haze? ","npc":"img/npc/head.webp"},"d0_headmaster_11":{"next":"d0_headmaster_12","pc":"neutral","txt":"Emily:\nActually - Yes. In what group am I in?"},"d0_headmaster_12":{"next":"d0_headmaster_13","txt":"The man hits a few keys on his keyboard again and glances at the screen."},"d0_headmaster_13":{"next":"d0_headmaster_14","txt":"Headmaster:\nYou have been assigned to the 'B' group.","npc":"img/npc/head.webp"},"d0_headmaster_14":{"next":"d0_headmaster_15","pc":"blush","txt":"Emily:\nCould I be moved to the 'D' group? "},"d0_headmaster_15":{"next":"d0_headmaster_16","txt":"The headmaster makes a puzzled face, scratches his chin and narrows his brow. "},"d0_headmaster_16":{"next":"d0_headmaster_17","txt":"Headmaster:\nThat's a bit unusual. All groups follow the same curriculum, all end classes at the same time, they share most if not all of the same lecturers. ","npc":"img/npc/head.webp"},"d0_headmaster_17":{"next":"d0_headmaster_18","txt":"Headmaster:\nThere are no privileges nor benefits in being in one group over the other. Why would you want to be specifically in the 'D' group?","npc":"img/npc/head.webp"},"d0_headmaster_18":{"next":"d0_headmaster_19","pc":"neutral","txt":"Emily:\nThere's someone there that... em, well, there's someone I know there. "},"d0_headmaster_19":{"next":"d0_headmaster_20","txt":"Headmaster:\nI see. Whom do you know there, if I may ask?","npc":"img/npc/head.webp"},"d0_headmaster_20":{"next":"d0_headmaster_21","pc":"neutral","txt":"Emily:\nHis name is Ben."},"d0_headmaster_21":{"next":"d0_headmaster_22","txt":"Headmaster:\nBen? As in Benjamin Henderson? Oh... ","npc":"img/npc/head.webp"},"d0_headmaster_22":{"next":"d0_headmaster_23","txt":"The man again types in something on his keyboard, almost immediately the nearby printer starts spewing out pages of printed text. "},"d0_headmaster_23":{"next":"d0_headmaster_24","txt":"Headmaster:\nIn that case THIS is your lecture plan, first class starts in 5 minutes. If you would like to see me after class, feel free to do so. Oh and welcome to Westview High. You'd best be going now miss Haze. ","npc":"img/npc/head.webp"},"d0_headmaster_24":{"next":"d0_class_start_0","txt":"You feel a bit confused as he gives you the freshly printed papers and gently but firmly pushes you out the door. ","img":"img/common/school_coridor.webp"},"d0_class_start_0":{"eval_jump_to":"'d0_class_start'"},"prologue_0":{"next":"prologue_1","txt":"Disclaimer:\nThis game contains Graphic content such as sexual scenes, Violence, Gore, Boobies(!) and the rest of the fun stuff. If You are under 18 ask Dad if you can play (don't ask Mom, she'll say 'no'). ","img":"img/prologue/disco.webp"},"d0_class_start":{"next":"d0_class_start_1","pc":"upset","txt":"Emily:\nWhat the fuck was that all about? ","no_save":0,"cmd":["music('oh_my')","set_quest('ben', 'Get your phone back!')","set_quest('school', 'Go to class.')"]},"d0_class_start_1":{"next":"d0_class_start_2","txt":"You sigh with frustration, but at least finding the classroom where you supposed to have your first lesson is easy enough. "},"d0_class_start_2":{"txt":"As you approach you can see Ben leaning against a wall, talking to some scrawny, shorter guy. ","choice":[["True","Keep Calm","d0_class_start_calm"],["True","Raise Hell","d0_class_start_yell"]]},"d0_class_start_calm":{"next":"d0_class_start_calm_1","txt":"You move closer, keeping your calm and trying to look nonchalant. They stop their conversation as they notice you coming. "},"d0_class_start_yell":{"next":"d0_class_start_yell_1","txt":"You quicken up your pace, walking right up to him and completely ignoring that he's in a conversation with someone else."},"d0_class_start_calm_1":{"next":"d0_class_start_3","pc":"happy","txt":"Emily:\nHello again, can I..."},"d0_class_start_3":{"next":"d0_class_start_4","txt":"Ben:\nAh, Emily! Nice that you could make it, here's your phone back. See you later!","npc":"img/npc/ben.webp"},"d0_class_start_4":{"next":"d0_class_start_5","txt":"He almost pushes the phone into your hands, gives you a little pat on the head and starts walking away."},"d0_class_start_5":{"next":"d0_class_start_6","pc":"upset","txt":"Emily:\nWait, what? Just like that? And don't you...? Don't WE have class?"},"d0_class_start_6":{"next":"d0_class_start_7","txt":"Ben:\nYeah, sure you do, but something bubbled up, you might say and I really need to take care of it, like right now. ","npc":"img/npc/ben.webp"},"d0_class_start_7":{"next":"d0_class_start_8","txt":"Ben:\nDon't worry, I'll be back for the next class, so you won't miss me much, and Jeff here's gonna hack my record anyway. See ya!","npc":"img/npc/ben.webp"},"d0_class_start_8":{"next":"d0_class_start_9","pc":"upset","txt":"You're left there standing as he walks away, a bit dazed by all the strange things that happened in the last hour."},"d0_class_start_9":{"next":"d0_class_start_10","txt":"Jeff:\nTrust me on this - You really shouldn't be giving your smartphone to guys like that. ","npc":"img/npc/jeff.webp"},"d0_class_start_10":{"next":"d0_class_start_11","pc":"neutral","txt":"Emily:\nLet me guess - you're Jeff?"},"d0_class_start_11":{"next":"d0_class_start_12","pc":"neutral","txt":"Jeff:\nYep.","npc":"img/npc/jeff.webp"},"d0_class_start_12":{"next":"d0_class_start_13","pc":"happy","txt":"Emily:\nYour hobby is to hack peoples school records, and you're giving me advice on what kind of people to avoid? "},"d0_class_start_13":{"next":"d0_class_start_14","txt":"Jeff:\nHush! Not so loud, it's not a hobby and not everyone needs to know about it. ","npc":"img/npc/jeff.webp"},"d0_class_start_yell_1":{"next":"d0_class_start_3","pc":"upset","txt":"Emily:\nListen here, you fuc..."},"d0_class_start_14":{"next":"d0_class_start_15","pc":"neutral","txt":"Emily:\nSorry... and just so you know - I didn't give him the phone. I dropped it, he found it and - eventually- returned it."},"d0_class_start_15":{"next":"d0_class_start_16","txt":"Jeff:\n'Found it'? Ben? Ha, nice. Pull the other one it got bells on.","npc":"img/npc/jeff.webp"},"d0_class_start_16":{"next":"d0_class_start_17","pc":"upset","txt":"Emily:\nWhat do you mean...?"},"d0_class_start_17":{"next":"d0_class_start_18","txt":"Jeff:\nLook. It's a tempered glass screen - if you drop it from like 2 feet it won't so much as crack it will shatter. You'd need a dustpan to pick up all the pieces.","npc":"img/npc/jeff.webp"},"d0_class_start_18":{"next":"d0_class_start_19","txt":"Jeff:\nThe bezel and body is thin aluminium, electroplated with chrome to give it a premium look. ","npc":"img/npc/jeff.webp"},"d0_class_start_19":{"next":"d0_class_start_20","txt":"Jeff:\nYou could scrape off the finish with a fingernail and probably dent the body with a finger. I've looked at you're phone and it's pristine, no scratch, no damage. ","npc":"img/npc/jeff.webp"},"d0_class_start_20":{"next":"d0_class_start_21","txt":"Jeff:\nSo are you sure you dropped it? Maybe someone bumped into you in a crowded place? Say, like - in an elevator, the subway, a bus maybe? ","npc":"img/npc/jeff.webp"},"d0_class_start_21":{"next":"d0_class_start_22","pc":"upset","txt":"Emily: \nSon of a dog! Found my ass! He fucking stole it from me! And wait a minute... how come you know so much about my phone?"},"d0_class_start_22":{"next":"d0_class_start_23","txt":"Jeff:\nLook. It's not my fault really, and I didn't install the rootkit like he asked and I didn't even know who's phone was it anyway!","npc":"img/npc/jeff.webp","cmd":["music('oh_my')"]},"d0_class_start_23":{"next":"d0_class_start_24","pc":"upset","txt":"Emily:\nWhat...? Boy, you'd better start explaining, else my chat with the Headmaster about hacked records is going to be the least of your problems."},"d0_class_start_24":{"next":"d0_class_start_25","txt":"Jeff:\nCalm down, nothing happened, ok? Ben popped in out of the blue, like he does, and tells me to unlock some phone. So I did.","npc":"img/npc/jeff.webp"},"d0_class_start_25":{"next":"d0_class_start_25b","txt":"Jeff:\nWe looked at the contacts - empty, we looked at some messages, but there's only like one or two, cryptic as heck, by the way. ","npc":"img/npc/jeff.webp"},"d0_class_start_foto":{"next":"d0_class_start_foto_1","txt":"Jeff:\nWe looked at some photos, {'the selfie was nice, ' if save.has_selfie else ''}{'best one was with the tits out' if save.has_nude_selfie else 'but there was nothing special'}... I mean - sorry, I didn't know these where pictures of a real girl. ","npc":"img/npc/jeff.webp"},"d0_class_start_nofoto":{"next":"d0_class_start_26","pc":"neutral","txt":"Emily:\nWhat else did you do with my phone?"},"d0_class_start_foto_1":{"next":"d0_class_start_foto_2","pc":"upset","txt":"Emily:\nWhat the fuck man?! Not a Real Girl? What did you think it was, a cardboard cut-out? "},"d0_class_start_foto_2":{"next":"d0_class_start_foto_3","txt":"Jeff:\nYou know what I mean, nude pictures from the internet...","npc":"img/npc/jeff.webp"},"d0_class_start_foto_3":{"next":"d0_class_start_foto_4","pc":"upset","txt":"Emily:\nSo the girls in the pictures on the internet aren't real?"},"d0_class_start_foto_4":{"next":"d0_class_start_foto_5","txt":"Jeff:\nI said 'sorry' already, what else do you want from me? ","npc":"img/npc/jeff.webp"},"d0_class_start_foto_5":{"next":"d0_class_start_26","pc":"neutral","txt":"Emily:\nI want you to tell me what else did you do with my phone?"},"d0_class_start_26":{"next":"d0_class_start_27","txt":"Jeff:\nNothing. Really! Ben wanted me to install a rootkit, but I said it would take some time... and well, than you showed up.","npc":"img/npc/jeff.webp"},"d0_class_start_27":{"next":"d0_class_start_28","pc":"neutral","txt":"Emily:\nWhat's a 'rootkit'? "},"d0_class_start_28":{"next":"d0_class_start_29","txt":"Jeff:\nYou're not very good at computers, eh? Nothing wrong with that, nothing wrong... ","npc":"img/npc/jeff.webp"},"d0_class_start_29":{"next":"d0_class_start_30","txt":"Jeff:\nIt's a computer virus, spyware really. Lets you control a device remotely without the legit user knowing it's even there. ","npc":"img/npc/jeff.webp"},"d0_class_start_30":{"next":"d0_class_start_31","txt":"Jeff:\nYou can read messages, listen in on phone calls, inspect wifi traffic, browse files. You could also turn on and off the camera and mic and record everything even if the device is turned off. ","npc":"img/npc/jeff.webp"},"d0_class_start_31":{"next":"d0_class_start_32","pc":"neutral","txt":"Emily:\nBut none of that is on my phone, right? It's safe?"},"d0_class_start_32":{"next":"d0_class_start_33","txt":"Jeff:\nAs I said, I had no time to fiddle with it, and you got some custom firmware, not the stock OS. No app store, no social media bloatware, browser locked in incognito mode. Kind of looks like a snitch phone.","npc":"img/npc/jeff.webp"},"d0_class_start_33":{"next":"d0_class_start_34","pc":"neutral","txt":"Emily:\nA what phone?"},"d0_class_start_34":{"next":"d0_class_start_35","txt":"Jeff:\nA snitch phone, you know, a phone for snitches... police informants, undercover cops or maybe people in the witness protec...","npc":"img/npc/jeff.webp"},"d0_class_start_35":{"next":"d0_class_start_36","pc":"upset","txt":"Emily:\nYou shut up right now! "},"d0_class_start_36":{"next":"d0_class_start_37","txt":"Jeff:\nEh...? Oh...! That all makes sense now. {'Except the photos.' if save.has_nude_selfie else ''} ","npc":"img/npc/jeff.webp"},"d0_class_start_37":{"next":"d0_class_start_38","pc":"neutral","txt":"Emily:\nYou can't tell anyone. You'll get yourself into real trouble, and you'll get me in even worse trouble. "},"d0_class_start_38":{"next":"d0_class_start_39","txt":"Jeff:\nWow, this is real, is someone trying to kill you or something?","npc":"img/npc/jeff.webp"},"d0_class_start_39":{"next":"d0_class_start_40","pc":"upset","txt":"Emily:\nYes... well, maybe? I don't know. But I do know that someone got killed already, and I don't want to be the next one, do you?"},"d0_class_start_40":{"next":"d0_class_start_41","txt":"Jeff:\nIf you put it like that - no, I don't what anything to do with it. I've seen nothing, I know nothing, we never had this conversation, I don't even know your name, and I'm not even a hacker by the way.","npc":"img/npc/jeff.webp"},"d0_class_start_41":{"next":"d0_class_start_42","txt":"The school bell rings interrupting your reply and announcing the start of today's lessons. Jeff shrugs and walks into the classroom. "},"d0_class_start_42":{"next":"d0_class_start_43","txt":"Jeff:\nAh, saved by the bell. See you around, Random New Person That I Never Met Before and I Know Nothing About.","npc":"img/npc/jeff.webp"},"d0_class_start_43":{"next":"d0_class_1","txt":"You walk in behind him after a moment and find a empty seat for yourself. ","no_save":0,"cmd":["set_quest('ben')","set_quest('school', 'Take the morning classes')"]},"d0_class_1":{"next":"d0_class_t","txt":"The classes are exactly as you remembered from back when you used to go too school. Long, boring and pointless. ","img":"img/common/lecture.webp","no_save":0,"cmd":["music('chill')"]},"d0_class_2":{"next":"d0_class_3","txt":"You try to listen and take notes, but you're too distracted, your mind is focused on the events that took place earlier today. You didn't even take stock of who your classmates are and what lecture you're in."},"d0_class_3":{"next":"d0_class_4","txt":"Did Ben steal the phone or did he just find it? What was so important to him that he skipped class this morning? Should I be worried that the guys know I'm not who I say I am?"},"d0_class_4":{"next":"d0_class_5","txt":"A firm male voice breaks you out of your stupor. "},"d0_class_5":{"next":"d0_class_6","txt":"Biology Teacher:\nSo who can answer the question? It's simple enough, you all had it last semester, it should be obvious if you paid any attention. Nobody? Fine, I'll just pick a name from the list...","img":"img/common/class2.webp","npc":"img/npc/houghton.webp"},"d0_class_6":{"next":"d0_class_7","txt":"Biology Teacher:\nHow about... Mister Haze. Oh excuse me, Miss Haze. Emily Haze. Where are you? Please stand up."},"d0_class_7":{"next":"d0_class_8","pc":"neutral","txt":"You stand up and adjust your skirt. Everyone now is looking at you and you're reminded again why you always hated school.","npc":"img/npc/houghton.webp"},"d0_class_8":{"next":"d0_class_9","pc":"blush","txt":"You have no idea what the question even was, and as you look around the class hoping that someone would give you a hint, you realize that all the people staring at you are male."},"d0_class_9":{"txt":"Biology Teacher:\nMiss Haze, can you or can you not answer my question?","npc":"img/npc/houghton.webp","choice":[["True","Could you rephrase the question? ","d0_class_question_1"],["True","What was the question?","d0_class_question_2"],["True","I don't know the answer.","d0_class_question_wrong"]]},"d0_class_question_1":{"next":"d0_class_question_3","pc":"neutral","txt":"Emily:\nCould you please rephrase the question, Professor? "},"d0_class_question_wrong":{"next":"d0_class_10","txt":"Biology Teacher:\nThat is not a satisfactory answer. I realize it is difficult for females of your age to keep your focus in a room full of boys, but I suggest you do give it a try. Sit down.","npc":"img/npc/houghton.webp"},"d0_class_question_2":{"next":"d0_class_question_3","txt":"Biology Teacher:\nYou would know the question if you'd paid more attention.","npc":"img/npc/houghton.webp"},"d0_class_question_3":{"txt":"Biology Teacher:\nI asked where most of the adenosine triphosphate is produced in a human body.","npc":"img/npc/houghton.webp","choice":[["True","I don't know.","d0_class_question_wrong"],["True","In the liver.","d0_class_question_wrong"],["True","In the heart.","d0_class_question_wrong"],["True","In the brain.","d0_class_question_wrong"],["True","Mitochondria.","d0_class_question_right"]]},"d0_class_question_right":{"next":"d0_class_question_right_1","txt":"All you can remember from your biology lessons is that 'Mitochondria is the Powerhouse of the Cell'"},"d0_class_10":{"next":"d0_class_11","txt":"Biology Teacher:\nNow as I was saying... Adenosine 5′-tetrahydrogen triphosphate or simply ATP is often referred to as the molecular unit of currency, and as SOME of you know it's produced mainly in the cells mitochondria...","npc":"img/npc/houghton.webp"},"d0_class_question_right_1":{"next":"d0_class_question_right_2","pc":"blush","txt":"Emily:\nMitochondria? "},"d0_class_question_right_2":{"next":"d0_class_question_right_3","pc":"blush","txt":"Biology Teacher:\nYes, exactly right. I'm glad that someone is paying attention for once. As for the rest of you - stop trying to peek up her skirts and focus on the lesson. ","npc":"img/npc/houghton.webp"},"d0_class_question_right_3":{"txt":"Biology Teacher:\nYou can sit down now Miss Haze, but I suggest you pay some attention not only to my lecture, but also the way you sit. I will not have you distract my students, understood? ","npc":"img/npc/houghton.webp","choice":[["True","Yes, Professor.","d0_class_question_right_good"],["True","That's not my fault","d0_class_question_right_bad"],["True","That's sexist!","d0_class_question_right_bad"]]},"d0_class_question_right_good":{"next":"d0_class_question_right_good_2","pc":"neutral","txt":"Emily:\nYes, Professor."},"d0_class_question_right_bad":{"next":"d0_class_question_right_bad_1","pc":"upset","txt":"Emily:\nBut Professor, that's..."},"d0_class_question_right_good_2":{"next":"d0_class_10","txt":"Biology Teacher:\nGood. I'm glad you understand.","npc":"img/npc/houghton.webp"},"d0_class_question_right_bad_1":{"txt":"Biology Teacher:\nIs that understood?","npc":"img/npc/houghton.webp","choice":[["True","Yes, Professor.","d0_class_question_right_good"],["True","That's not my fault","d0_class_question_right_bad"],["True","That's sexist!","d0_class_question_right_bad"]]},"d0_class_11":{"next":"d0_break_0","txt":"You feel helpless and humiliated as the lesson continues. Luckily no further incidents happen, and after what seems to be an eternity the bell rings for the lunch break. ","img":"img/common/lecture.webp","no_save":0,"cmd":["set_quest('school')"]},"d0_break_0":{"eval_jump_to":"'d0_break_1'"},"d0_break_1":{"next":"d0_break_2","txt":"You follow everyone out of the classroom and into the cafeteria. ","img":"img/common/caffeteria3.webp","cmd":["set_time_of_day(TIME.NOON)","music('day')"]},"d0_break_2":{"next":"d0_break_3","txt":"In a matter of moments the space fills up with students of all ages, shapes and sizes. A long line forms in front of the serving area and it looks like most if not all places to sit are taken up. ","img":"img/common/caffeteria.webp"},"d0_break_3":{"next":"d0_break_4","txt":"Ben:\nHey Emily, there you are! You don't mind me calling you Emily, right?","img":"img/common/caffeteria2.webp","npc":"img/npc/ben.webp","no_save":0,"cmd":["set_quest('ben', 'Deal with Ben.')"]},"d0_break_4":{"next":"d0_break_5","pc":"neutral","txt":"Emily:\nThat is my name, what else would you call me?"},"d0_break_5":{"next":"d0_break_6","txt":"Ben:\nI could think of something... maybe something that starts with the letter F?","npc":"img/npc/ben.webp"},"d0_break_6":{"next":"d0_break_7","pc":"upset","txt":"Emily:\nYou'd better keep you mouth shut about that, or... "},"d0_break_7":{"next":"d0_break_8","txt":"Ben:\nOr what? Hmm? How would you stop me? What would you do if I told everyone you're a fraud? Tell the principal? Call the cops? I don't think that would be much help. ","npc":"img/npc/ben.webp"},"d0_break_8":{"next":"d0_break_9","pc":"upset","txt":"Emily:\nWhat do you want from me? Can't you just leave me alone?"},"d0_break_9":{"next":"d0_break_10","txt":"Ben:\nHey, no need to be like that. We're friends, I told you that already. I just wanted to talk, but maybe not here - it's a bit crowded and loud. ","npc":"img/npc/ben.webp"},"d0_break_10":{"txt":"Ben:\nHow 'bout I give you a tour of the school, and we can talk as we go. What say you?","npc":"img/npc/ben.webp","choice":[["True","I don't want to","d0_break_no"],["True","Alright, let's go","d0_break_yes"]]},"d0_break_no":{"next":"d0_break_no_1","pc":"upset","txt":"Emily:\nI don't really want to go with you anywhere. I think I'd rather get some lunch.","cmd":["exec_once('save.rep_ben-=1')"]},"d0_break_yes":{"next":"d0_break_11","pc":"neutral","txt":"Emily:\nYou're not gonna leave me alone until I agree, right? Alright, let's go."},"d0_break_no_1":{"next":"d0_break_no_2","txt":"Ben:\nYour choice. But I'll still talk to you, even if you don't want to talk back.","npc":"img/npc/ben.webp"},"d0_break_no_2":{"next":"d0_break_yes","txt":"Ben:\nThing is - it's kind of loud and crowded here so I may need to talk really loud - and I might talk about things you wouldn't want people to hear... ","npc":"img/npc/ben.webp"},"d0_break_11":{"next":"d0_break_12","txt":"Ben:\nI'm glad you're starting to see things my way. C'mon.","npc":"img/npc/ben.webp"},"d0_break_12":{"next":"d0_break_13","txt":"You both walk out of the cafeteria, there are still some people loitering about in the corridors but it's almost calm and quiet compared to what's going on in the dining area. ","img":"img/common/school_coridor.webp"},"d0_break_13":{"next":"d0_break_14","txt":"Ben:\nThere are 3 floors here, all identical more or less. There's the mess hall on this floor, the library on the second, and you need to get to the bottom to go to the sport area. ","npc":"img/npc/ben.webp"},"d0_break_14":{"next":"d0_break_15","txt":"Ben:\nWe can take a peek at the library, but there's nothing fun there, just books.","npc":"img/npc/ben.webp"},"d0_break_15":{"txt":"Ben points out a door as you pass, you take a look inside. It's a library, filled with rows upon rows of bookshelves. ","img":"img/common/library.webp","choice":[["True","I like books","d0_break_like_lib"],["True","Looks boring","d0_break_dislike_lib"]]},"d0_break_like_lib":{"next":"d0_break_like_lib_1","pc":"happy","txt":"Emily:\nI like books and they can be fun. Maybe you should try reading one? Who knows, maybe you'll like it? "},"d0_break_dislike_lib":{"next":"d0_break_dislike_lib_1","pc":"neutral","txt":"Emily:\nI'm not much of a bookworm, this looks dry, empty and boring.","cmd":["exec_once('save.rep_ben+=1')"]},"d0_break_like_lib_1":{"next":"d0_break_like_lib_2","txt":"Ben:\n*he winks at you with a smile* Nah, thanks. I've read a book once, it was terrible, it didn't have any pictures. To be honest - you don't look like much of a bookworm. ","npc":"img/npc/ben.webp"},"d0_break_like_lib_2":{"next":"d0_break_like_lib_3","pc":"blush","txt":"Emily:\nI don't look like a bookworm? So, how do I look like to you?"},"d0_break_dislike_lib_1":{"next":"d0_break_dislike_lib_2","txt":"Ben:\nDry, empty and boring isn't your thing? You're more of a wet, full and excited kind of girl, eh? ","npc":"img/npc/ben.webp"},"d0_break_dislike_lib_2":{"next":"d0_break_dislike_lib_3","pc":"upset","txt":"Emily:\nWha...?"},"d0_break_dislike_lib_3":{"next":"d0_break_16","txt":"Ben:\nJust kidding, relax a bit will you? C'mon, I'll show you the pool.","npc":"img/npc/ben.webp"},"d0_break_16":{"next":"d0_break_17","pc":"smile","txt":"Emily:\nAre you serious? There's a pool here?"},"d0_break_like_lib_3":{"next":"d0_break_16","txt":"Ben:\nYou look like you'd look good in a swimsuit - so let's go see the pool.","npc":"img/npc/ben.webp"},"d0_break_17":{"next":"d0_break_18","txt":"Ben:\nYeah, but we have to sneak around via the lockers to get there. Normally we'd have to change, but I guess you don't have a bikini under your clothes and it's not the best time to go skinny dipping. ","npc":"img/npc/ben.webp"},"d0_break_18":{"next":"d0_break_19","txt":"You leave the library behind and Ben leads the way to the locker rooms. ","img":"img/common/locker.webp"},"d0_break_19":{"next":"d0_break_20","pc":"blush","txt":"Emily:\nWait, is this the boys or the girls locker room?"},"d0_break_20":{"next":"d0_break_21","txt":"Ben:\nEm... neither? Both, I guess? Someone just goes get a key from the coach and he assigns the locker rooms. ","npc":"img/npc/ben.webp"},"d0_break_21":{"next":"d0_break_22","pc":"neutral","txt":"Emily:\nThat's a strange system..."},"d0_break_22":{"next":"d0_break_23","txt":"Ben:\nYeah, well... a few years back Someone installed spy cameras in all girls' changing rooms, so they came up with this stupid scheme. ","npc":"img/npc/ben.webp"},"d0_break_23":{"next":"d0_break_24","txt":"Ben leads you out of the lockers and into a sports hall and through a back door into the swimming pool area.","img":"img/common/school_basket.webp"},"d0_break_24":{"next":"d0_break_25","pc":"happy","txt":"Emily:\nWow. This is a full sized, olympic-pool. We are going to have PE in here?","img":"img/common/pool_1.webp"},"d0_break_25":{"next":"d0_break_26","txt":"Ben:\nYeah, but not just yet. You can only fit so much people in a pool and there's a lot of students here. Our turn is next month, for now it's team sports or track and field. ","npc":"img/npc/ben.webp"},"d0_break_26":{"next":"d0_break_27","txt":"Ben:\nLet's get out of here, before the lifeguards get back from lunch. They're kind of pissy about people in clothes in here.","npc":"img/npc/ben.webp"},"d0_break_27":{"next":"d0_break_28","txt":"You use one of the emergency exits to get out onto the schools stadium. Ben again takes point and leads you to the stands.","img":"img/common/track_n_field.webp"},"d0_break_28":{"next":"d0_break_29","txt":"Ben:\nNobody comes here much, so we should be able to talk in peace here. So, about the whole phone thing...","img":"img/common/stands.webp","npc":"img/npc/ben.webp"},"d0_break_29":{"next":"d0_break_30","pc":"upset","txt":"Emily:\nAbout the phone you stole from me...?"},"d0_break_30":{"next":"d0_break_31","txt":"Ben:\nWhat? No, I didn't steal anything! You dropped it and I returned it.","npc":"img/npc/ben.webp"},"d0_break_31":{"next":"d0_break_32","pc":"upset","txt":"Emily:\nYeah? Jeff said it's tempered glass, if I'd dropped it it would have cracked."},"d0_break_32":{"txt":"Ben:\nBullshit. I drop my phone every other week and it's fine. Besides, you dropped it on a bus seat so it didn't get damaged. What else did the little punk say about me?","npc":"img/npc/ben.webp","no_save":0,"choice":[["True","He told me about spyware","d0_break_spyphone"],["True","He told me to keep away from you","d0_break_black_pr"],["True","Nothing","d0_break_tell_nix"]]},"d0_break_spyphone":{"next":"d0_break_spyphone_1","pc":"upset","txt":"Emily:\nHe told me you wanted him to install some spy stuff on my phone. "},"d0_break_black_pr":{"next":"d0_break_black_pr_1","pc":"upset","txt":"Emily:\nHe told me to keep away from you, that you can't be trusted. And I think he's right about you. "},"d0_break_tell_nix":{"next":"d0_break_tell_nix_1","txt":"Emily:\nNothing..."},"d0_break_spyphone_1":{"next":"d0_break_spyphone_branch","txt":"Ben:\nI never told him to do that! I just wanted him to unlock the phone, that's it, nothing more. ","npc":"img/npc/ben.webp"},"d0_break_spyphone_2":{"next":"d0_break_ben_sorry","txt":"Ben:\nI know that was wrong and I shouldn't have. I just wanted to see if you have any pictures on there. ","npc":"img/npc/ben.webp"},"d0_break_spyphone_nude":{"next":"d0_break_ben_sorry","txt":"Ben:\nI know that was wrong and I shouldn't have... but after you showed me that photo... I just had to have it. I wanted to see if you have any other pictures. ","npc":"img/npc/ben_b.webp"},"d0_break_spyphone_photo":{"next":"d0_break_ben_sorry","txt":"Ben:\nI know that was wrong and I shouldn't have... but after you showed me a photo... I just wanted to see if you have any other pictures. ","npc":"img/npc/ben.webp"},"d0_break_ben_sorry":{"next":"d0_break_ben_sorry_1","txt":"Ben:\nI feel bad, and I'm really sorry about all this. That's why I wanted to talk... and also give you this. I know it won't make it up to you, but at least maybe it will make you less mad at me. ","npc":"img/npc/ben.webp"},"d0_break_ben_sorry_1":{"next":"d0_break_ben_sorry_2","txt":"Ben gives you a piece of plastic - it's a gift-card voucher for 200$! That's a lot of money for you, even if you can spend it only in some select shops. ","img":"img/prologue/gift_card200.webp"},"d0_break_ben_sorry_2":{"next":"d0_break_ben_sorry_3","pc":"blush","txt":"Emily:\nYou... you should feel bad and... you're giving me 200 bucks? Just like that? Where's the catch? ","img":"img/common/stands.webp","cmd":["save.has_giftcard=1"]},"d0_break_ben_sorry_3":{"next":"d0_break_ben_sorry_4","txt":"Ben:\nWhy would you think there's a catch?","npc":"img/npc/ben.webp"},"d0_break_ben_sorry_4":{"next":"d0_break_ben_sorry_5","pc":"neutral","txt":"Emily:\nLook, I know you for what...? 3 hours? But that's enough time to know that there's a catch."},"d0_break_ben_sorry_5":{"next":"d0_break_ben_sorry_6","txt":"Ben:\nClever girl. There might be a catch, a tiny one. Not that I think you're dressed bad, but I want you to buy yourself something nice to wear to school tomorrow. ","npc":"img/npc/ben.webp","no_save":0,"cmd":["set_quest('ben', \"Wear something 'nice' to school.\")"]},"d0_break_ben_sorry_6":{"next":"d0_break_ben_sorry_7","pc":"neutral","txt":"Emily:\nJust that? And what if I don't do that? What if I spend it all on bubble gum and cream soda?"},"d0_break_ben_sorry_7":{"next":"d0_break_ben_sorry_8","txt":"Ben:\nYou won't. It's only valid in a few clothes shops in the mall. But if you won't do this little task of mine, the next one may be less fun...","npc":"img/npc/ben.webp"},"d0_break_ben_sorry_8":{"next":"d0_break_ben_sorry_9","pc":"upset","txt":"Emily:\nOh? So that's how you show how sorry you are? You gonna give me daily tasks now...?"},"d0_break_ben_sorry_9":{"next":"d0_break_ben_sorry_10","txt":"Ben:\nHa! Why didn't I think of that? Great idea, daily task - we'll do that.","npc":"img/npc/ben.webp"},"d0_break_ben_sorry_10":{"next":"d0_break_ben_sorry_11","pc":"neutral","txt":"Emily:\nAnd what if I don't want to play your games?"},"d0_break_ben_sorry_11":{"next":"d0_break_ben_sorry_12","txt":"Ben:\nC'mon, don't be like that, we're friends, it'll be fun. But if you don't want to, you don't have to. We can play a different game...","npc":"img/npc/ben.webp"},"d0_break_ben_sorry_12":{"next":"d0_break_ben_sorry_13","txt":"Ben:\nMaybe a game of 'Who Wants to Know Where Flavia Rogers is?', eh? I wonder if you're on the run from some Institution or maybe hiding from some criminals? ","npc":"img/npc/ben.webp"},"d0_break_ben_sorry_13":{"next":"d0_break_ben_sorry_14","txt":"Ben:\nEither way, I bet I could get Jeff to sell your info on the deep web for a few bitcoins. ","npc":"img/npc/ben.webp"},"d0_break_ben_sorry_14":{"next":"d0_break_ben_sorry_15","pc":"upset","txt":"Emily:\nYou're a bastard!"},"d0_break_ben_sorry_15":{"txt":"Ben:\nYou think calling me names will make things better or worse for you, hmm? Think about it: I got your phone back, I gave you money and all I'm asking for is for you to wear something nice, does this make me a villain? ","npc":"img/npc/ben.webp","choice":[["True","I guess not","d0_break_ben_isok"],["True","This is blackmail","d0_break_ben_is_dick"]]},"d0_break_ben_isok":{"next":"d0_break_ben_isok_1","pc":"blush","txt":"Emily:\nIf you put it like that - I guess not.","cmd":["exec_once('save.rep_ben+=1')"]},"d0_break_ben_is_dick":{"next":"d0_break_ben_is_dick_1","pc":"upset","txt":"Emily:\nNo matter how you sugarcoat it is still blackmail and I'll never be okay with it. "},"d0_break_ben_isok_1":{"next":"d0_break_over","txt":"Ben:\nThere you go, it's just a little game. As long as we're friends your secret is safe with me. Now, excuse me, I need to go find Jeff before he does something stupid. See you later. ","npc":"img/npc/ben.webp"},"d0_break_over":{"next":"d0_break_over_1","txt":"Ben walks away and you're left alone in the stands. You flip the gift card in your fingers - it's $200, even if Ben is an asshole, that's a lot of money. "},"d0_break_ben_is_dick_1":{"next":"d0_break_ben_is_dick_2","txt":"Ben:\nAs long as you do what you're told, I don't really care what you think. If you know what's good for you, you'll find the tiniest skirt that will fit your ass and wear it tomorrow. Got it?\n","npc":"img/npc/ben.webp"},"d0_break_ben_is_dick_2":{"next":"d0_break_over","txt":"Ben:\nI'm done wasting my time on you, see ya.","npc":"img/npc/ben.webp"},"d0_break_over_1":{"next":"d0_break_over_2","txt":"You don't currently have a job and only $50 in your pocket... Maybe you should just play along? You could just buy a pair of stockings to wear to school for $10 and use the rest of the money as you like. "},"d0_break_over_2":{"next":"d0_break_over_3","txt":"Maybe this won't be that bad? Looking back on the situation you found yourself in - it could have been much worse. "},"d0_break_over_3":{"next":"d0_break_over_4","txt":"You leave the stands and decide to go back into the main school building, after all you still got classes. ","img":"img/common/track_n_field.webp","no_save":0,"cmd":["set_quest('school', 'Get back to class.')"]},"d0_break_over_4":{"next":"d0_break_over_5","txt":"There's only one small problem - every door you find is either locked or a one way exit that can only be opened from inside. The chain link fence around the stadium is way too high to climb. "},"d0_break_over_5":{"next":"d0_break_over_6","txt":"It looks like the only way back is the way you came - via the pool. You head that way, and as you get closer you can hear splashing sounds and the occasional whistle. "},"d0_break_over_6":{"next":"d0_break_over_7","txt":"The door you used earlier is still unlocked, so you open it ajar and peek inside. There are some students in the pool and more moving about, you even see one guy walking by the pool in his clothes. ","img":"img/common/pool_1.webp"},"d0_break_over_7":{"next":"d0_break_over_8","txt":"You almost step inside when you hear a loud whistle followed by a harsh female voice."},"d0_break_over_8":{"next":"d0_break_over_9","txt":"Lifeguard:\nStop! You! No outwear in the pool area!","npc":"img/npc/lifeguard.webp"},"d0_break_over_9":{"next":"d0_break_over_10","txt":"Student:\nBut I was just using the short...","npc":"img/npc/generic_student.webp"},"d0_break_over_10":{"next":"d0_break_over_11","txt":"Lifeguard:\nYou very well know the rules. No buts, no excuses! You got yourself detention for the rest of the week. ","npc":"img/npc/lifeguard.webp"},"d0_break_over_11":{"next":"d0_break_over_12","txt":"Student:\nBut Miss Coach, that's not fair...","npc":"img/npc/generic_student.webp"},"d0_break_over_12":{"next":"d0_break_over_13","txt":"Lifeguard:\nKeep talking back and it will be two weeks, come here.","npc":"img/npc/lifeguard.webp"},"d0_break_over_13":{"next":"d0_break_over_14","txt":"The student comes over, dragging his feet to where the lifeguard is, she in turn starts to ask him questions about his name and group and fills out some form."},"d0_break_over_14":{"txt":"This might be the only occasion you have, the lifeguard seems distracted, but probably not distracted enough if you go in in your clothes. ","choice":[["True","Run for it","d0_pool_run"],["True","Strip to your underwear","d0_pool_strip"]]},"d0_pool_run":{"next":"d0_pool_run_1","txt":"Peeking out the door you spy for the best opportunity to make a run for it and when the lifeguard looks down to write something on the note again you make your move.","cmd":["music('vampire')"]},"d0_pool_strip":{"next":"d0_pool_strip_1","pc":"blush","txt":"You underwear almost looks like a white bikini and it's only a short walk by the pool to get into the locker rooms and back to the main building. You figure it's worth a shot. ","cmd":["exec_once('save.slut+=1')","music('vampire')"]},"d0_pool_strip_1":{"next":"d0_pool_strip_2","pc":"scripted","txt":"You take of your clothes and wrap them up in a bundle that almost looks like a rolled up towel, at least from a distance. You enter the pool area and start casually walking in the direction of the locker rooms.","cmd":["set_clothes(['topless', 'bottomless', 'under_top_bra_white', 'under_bottom_panties_white', 'no_stockings'])"]},"d0_pool_strip_2":{"next":"d0_pool_strip_3","pc":"blush","txt":"You're halfway there when you hear the piercing whistle again."},"d0_pool_strip_3":{"next":"d0_pool_strip_4","txt":"Lifeguard:\nStop! You there, white bikini...","npc":"img/npc/lifeguard.webp"},"d0_pool_strip_4":{"next":"d0_pool_strip_5","pc":"blush","txt":"Emily:\nWho? Me?"},"d0_pool_strip_5":{"next":"d0_pool_strip_6","txt":"Lifeguard:\nYes, You. Shower before entering the pool area, you know the rules. Hit the showers, now! ","npc":"img/npc/lifeguard.webp"},"d0_pool_strip_6":{"next":"d0_pool_strip_7","txt":"She points to the showers off by the side of the pool and you realize you don't have much choice. You drop the bundle of clothes on a towel someone else left on the floor and step under the shower. "},"d0_pool_strip_7":{"next":"d0_pool_strip_8","pc":"blush","txt":"The water starts pouring on you automatically. You manage to keep you head out of the stream but your underwear gets soaked. ","no_save":0,"cmd":["save.pc_is_wet = 1"]},"d0_pool_strip_8":{"next":"d0_pool_strip_9","pc":"last","txt":"You underwear may have looked like swimwear, but unfortunately it is not made to be water resistant. The white fabric clings to your skin and turns almost transparent.","cmd":["set_clothes(['bra_white_wet', 'panties_white_wet'])"]},"d0_pool_strip_9":{"next":"d0_pool_strip_10","pc":"last","txt":"You try to cover up as good as you can, you pick up your clothes and someone else's towel and again head to the exit. "},"d0_pool_strip_10":{"next":"d0_pool_strip_11","pc":"blush","txt":"You feel as if everyone is looking at you, but when you look around nobody seems to notice or care. You quicken up your pace to get out of this situation as fast as you can. Then the whistle blows again."},"d0_pool_strip_11":{"next":"d0_pool_strip_12","txt":"Lifeguard:\nNo running near the pool!","npc":"img/npc/lifeguard.webp"},"d0_pool_strip_12":{"next":"d0_pool_strip_13","pc":"blush","txt":"Being called out by the lifeguard was enough to make you the centre of attention. You slow down and try to walk casually, even though your hart is pumping like crazy and you really want to run. "},"d0_pool_strip_13":{"next":"d0_pool_strip_14","pc":"blush","txt":"As you finally get to the locker room exit you can hear a snippet of a conversation behind you."},"d0_pool_strip_14":{"next":"d0_pool_strip_15","txt":"Boy:\nDid ya see her nipples?"},"d0_pool_strip_15":{"next":"d0_pool_strip_16","txt":"Other Boy:\nWha..? No...","cmd":["exec_once('save.rep_school+=2')"]},"d0_pool_strip_16":{"next":"d0_pool_strip_17","txt":"Boy:\nDude, you're such a loser."},"d0_pool_strip_17":{"next":"d0_pool_strip_18","txt":"Other Boy:\nFuck you! You're the loser, I was staring at her pussy."},"d0_pool_strip_18":{"next":"d0_pool_strip_19","pc":"blush","txt":"Your cheeks burn and your heart keeps beating like crazy, lucky for you the locker room is empty, so you can take off your wet underwear and dry yourself with the stolen towel. ","img":"img/common/locker.webp","no_save":0,"cmd":["save.pc_is_wet = 0"]},"d0_pool_strip_19":{"next":"d0_pool_strip_20","pc":"neutral","txt":"At least your skirt survived the pool indecent without getting wet, you shirt got a bit dishevelled but you can still wear it, your panties and bra however are soaking wet. ","cmd":["strip_nude()"]},"d0_pool_strip_20":{"next":"d0_pool_strip_21","pc":"last","txt":"You get dressed and look at yourself in the nearby mirror. ","cmd":["set_clothes(['top_white_shirt2', 'bottom_school_skirt1'])"]},"d0_pool_strip_21":{"next":"d0_pool_strip_22","pc":"blush","txt":"Nobody will be able to tell if you're wearing panties or not, but the lack of a bra may be noticeable. Worst of all the more you look at your reflection the more obvious it becomes. ","cmd":["set_bodypart_img('pc_img_hair','img/pc/hair_hands_bb.webp')"]},"d0_pool_strip_22":{"next":"d0_pool_strip_23","pc":"happy","txt":"You nipples get hard and poke through the fabric of your shirt, you feel wetness between you thighs that has nothing to do with the wet panties you had on. "},"d0_pool_strip_23":{"pc":"blush","txt":"You can try to deny it, but deep down you know well that this brief exposure got you very excited and the prospect of going to class with no panties and no bra excites you even more. \n","choice":[["True","Masturbate to calm down","d0_pool_strip_touch"],["True","Go to class like this","d0_pool_strip_class"]]},"d0_pool_strip_touch":{"next":"d0_pool_strip_touch_1","txt":"You move fast and without thinking much. You drop you skirt and pull of your shirt getting down on the floor on the stolen towel. "},"d0_pool_strip_class":{"next":"d0_class2_0","txt":"You take a few deep breaths and head back to class. ","cmd":["inventory.remove(*['panties_white_wet', 'bra_white_wet'])"]},"d0_pool_strip_touch_1":{"next":"d0_pool_strip_touch_2","txt":"You move your hand to rub against your pussy. Your slick, moist slit feels good beneath your fingers. ","img":"img/prologue/locker_finger.webp","cmd":["exec_once('save.slut+=2')"]},"d0_pool_strip_touch_2":{"next":"d0_pool_strip_touch_3","txt":"You bite down on your lip, trying not to moan, but still a sound of pleasure escapes your lips. "},"d0_pool_strip_touch_3":{"next":"d0_pool_strip_touch_4","txt":"But it's the thought of someone hearing you or just accidentality walking in on you, that excites you more than you fingers ever could. "},"d0_pool_strip_touch_4":{"next":"d0_pool_strip_touch_5","txt":"You close your eyes feeling the climax getting closer. You realise you didn't lock any door, you didn't check the shower area, someone could be watching you and you wouldn't even know. "},"d0_pool_strip_touch_5":{"next":"d0_pool_strip_touch_6","txt":"You're breathing hard as you start to orgasm, the world around you becomes fuzzy and wonderful as you lose yourself, your fingers working franticly, sliding in and out of your pussy as you try to make that feeling last. "},"d0_pool_strip_touch_6":{"next":"d0_pool_strip_touch_7","txt":"You gasp and tremble when you suddenly hear the noise of a door opening and closing, followed by the sound of bare feet on wet tiles."},"d0_pool_strip_touch_7":{"next":"d0_pool_strip_touch_8","txt":"Boy:\nYou sure she went in here? ","img":"img/common/locker.webp"},"d0_pool_strip_touch_8":{"next":"d0_pool_strip_touch_9","txt":"Other Boy:\nYeah, how many times do I need to tell you? She went in here. If you'd get out of the pool faster she'd still be here."},"d0_pool_strip_touch_9":{"next":"d0_pool_strip_touch_10","txt":"Boy:\nFuck You, I couldn't get out with a boner..."},"d0_pool_strip_touch_10":{"next":"d0_pool_strip_touch_11","txt":"Other Boy:\nOh shut up, let's check the showers, she still might be here. "},"d0_pool_strip_touch_11":{"next":"d0_pool_strip_touch_12","txt":"Boy:\nYou think she'll give me a blowjob?"},"d0_pool_strip_touch_12":{"next":"d0_pool_strip_touch_13","txt":"Other Boy:\nShe will, just keep your camera app ready."},"d0_pool_strip_touch_13":{"next":"d0_pool_strip_touch_14","txt":"You feel more than a little panicked. You put on your clothes as fast and as silent as you can, hoping you can manage it before the boys get here. "},"d0_pool_strip_touch_14":{"next":"d0_pool_strip_class","pc":"happy","txt":"Buttoning up your blouse as you go, you rush out the door leaving your wet underwear behind. You made it out without being found, but you doubt you'll see your bra and panties ever again. ","img":"img/common/school_coridor.webp","no_save":0,"cmd":["set_clothes(['bottom_school_skirt1', 'top_white_shirt2'])","inventory.remove(*['panties_white_wet', 'bra_white_wet', 'under_top_bra_white', 'under_bottom_panties_white'])","save.max_slut = max(6, save.max_slut)","save.slut = 0"]},"d0_break_spyphone_branch":{"npc":"img/npc/ben.webp","branch":[["save.ben_has_nudie","d0_break_spyphone_nude"],["save.ben_has_selfie","d0_break_spyphone_photo"],["save.ben_has_foot_photo","d0_break_spyphone_photo"],["True","d0_break_spyphone_2"]]},"d0_pool_run_1":{"next":"d0_pool_run_2","pc":"happy","txt":"You move fast and are able to make it almost to the changing room door. You slip on the wet tiles on your last step, you manage to keep your balance but your skirt snags on the door frame."},"d0_pool_run_2":{"next":"d0_pool_run_3","pc":"upset","txt":"Unable to stop in time you just grind your teeth as a piece of cloth rips away from your skirt. ","cmd":["set_clothes(['bottom_school_skirt_rip'])","inventory.remove('bottom_school_skirt1')"]},"d0_pool_run_3":{"next":"d0_pool_run_4","pc":"smile","txt":"At least you made it past the lifeguard without her noticing you. "},"d0_pool_run_4":{"next":"d0_pool_run_5","txt":"You move via the showers area to get back to the main part of the school and you notice you're not alone. ","img":"img/prologue/guy_in_shower.webp"},"d0_pool_run_5":{"next":"d0_pool_run_6","txt":"You see a guy in one of the stalls, though he's facing the other way, you can clearly see he's rapidly pumping his cock. "},"d0_pool_run_6":{"next":"d0_pool_run_7","txt":"Thinking you best leave him alone you try to sneak past him. "},"d0_pool_run_7":{"next":"d0_pool_run_8","txt":"As you pass by, your curiosity got the better of you - instead of looking where you're going, you decided to take a peek, and you accidentally kick a empty soap bottle someone left on the floor. "},"d0_pool_run_8":{"next":"d0_pool_run_9","txt":"Startled by the noise, the guy turns around in the worst possible moment, shooting an impressive jet of cum in your direction.","img":"img/prologue/cum_in_shower.webp","cmd":["exec_once('save.rep_school+=1')"]},"d0_pool_run_9":{"next":"d0_pool_run_10","txt":"You both let out a yelp at the same time. The guy tries to cover up and you run out of the showers and locker room, leaving him behind.","img":"img/common/locker.webp"},"d0_pool_run_10":{"next":"d0_pool_run_11","txt":"You get out and run blindly up the corridor and down some stairs before realising that neither the guy from the shower nor anybody else is chasing you. In fact you're all alone.","img":"img/common/school_coridor2.webp"},"d0_pool_run_11":{"next":"d0_pool_run_12","txt":"You look around trying to calm down and catch your breath. This is probably some less used part of the school, the floor is a bit dusty and most lights are off."},"d0_pool_run_12":{"next":"d0_pool_run_13","txt":"Looking about you absent-mindedly lick your lips. The creamy texture and salty taste should be a giveaway but for a moment you think it's just your sweat from the running.","img":"img/prologue/cumshot_1.webp"},"d0_pool_run_13":{"txt":"When you realize you've just tasted some random dudes cum, you feel as if you should gag or even vomit, but you don't actually feel repulsed by it. ","choice":[["True","Just clean up","d0_pool_cleanup"],["True","Taste it more","d0_pool_cum"]]},"d0_pool_cleanup":{"next":"d0_pool_cum_3","txt":"You wipe your face with a paper tissue trying not to get any more cum on your lips. ","no_save":0,"cmd":["save.max_slut = max(2, save.max_slut)"]},"d0_pool_cum":{"next":"d0_pool_cum_1","txt":"You move your tongue across your lips licking up more of the cum. It's sticky and creamy and while you can't honestly say the taste is nice, you enjoy the way it coats your throat when you swallow it. ","img":"img/prologue/cumshot_2.webp","no_save":0,"cmd":["exec_once('save.cum_love+=1')","save.max_slut = max(3, save.max_slut)","exec_once('save.slut+=1')"]},"d0_pool_cum_1":{"next":"d0_pool_cum_2","txt":"You find yourself enjoying it and you use your hands to gather up all the cum from your face. You lick your fingers clean and happily swallow every last drop of cum. "},"d0_pool_cum_2":{"next":"d0_pool_cum_3","txt":"You've never given a blowjob and you never found the prospect appealing, but now at least you understand why some girls might like sucking on cocks and even drinking semen. "},"d0_pool_cum_3":{"next":"d0_class2_0","pc":"blush","txt":"When you feel you've cleaned up well enough, you get your clothing in order - at least as much in order as you can and head back to the main part of the school. ","img":"img/common/school_coridor.webp","no_save":0,"cmd":["set_body_overlay('overlay_facial.webp')","save.d0_cum_on_face = 1"]},"d0_class_start_25b":{"npc":"img/npc/jeff.webp","branch":[["save.has_photo","d0_class_start_foto"],["True","d0_class_start_nofoto"]]},"d0_break_tell_nix_1":{"next":"d0_break_spyphone_branch","txt":"Ben:\nYou don't want to tell me? Fine, whatever, just know he likes to exaggerate things. I took your phone to him and he unlocked it, that's. ","npc":"img/npc/ben.webp"},"d0_break_black_pr_1":{"next":"d0_break_black_pr_2","txt":"Ben:\nThat's just Jeff talking, don't take it seriously. He's a bit of a ... how to put it mildly? Social outcast. ","npc":"img/npc/ben.webp"},"d0_break_black_pr_2":{"next":"d0_break_black_pr_3","txt":"Ben:\nHe's the last one picked in any game, he doesn't have much friends, never had a girl. Just the fact he even spoke to you means he must really like you.","npc":"img/npc/ben.webp"},"d0_break_black_pr_3":{"next":"d0_break_black_pr_4","pc":"neutral","txt":"Emily:\nHuh? Sound like you're defending him."},"d0_break_black_pr_4":{"next":"d0_break_black_pr_5","txt":"Ben:\nI just know him long enough to know how he thinks. In his mind it's a zero sum game - as if you need to like someone else less to like him more. ","npc":"img/npc/ben.webp"},"d0_break_black_pr_5":{"next":"d0_break_spyphone_branch","txt":"Ben:\nDon't think about it too much, he's just a weirdo, alright? Now what was I...? Ah, right - Sorry for not returning your phone right away. ","npc":"img/npc/ben.webp"},"d0_class2_0":{"eval_jump_to":"'d0_class2_1'","no_save":1},"d0_class2_1":{"next":"d0_class2_2","txt":"It takes a bit of time before you manage to find your way to the next class, but you make it before the break is over. ","img":"img/common/school_coridor.webp","cmd":["music('funky')"]},"d0_class2_2":{"next":"d0_class2_3","pc":"neutral","txt":"You seem to recognize some of the students that you had class with before but you don't feel like chatting with any of them right now, so you keep your distance. "},"d0_class2_3":{"next":"d0_class2_4","txt":"One of your classmates makes brief eye contact with you at a distance. He smiles and invites you to come over with a hand gesture. You smile back, but shake your head not really wanting to talk.","npc":"img/npc/lenard.webp"},"d0_class2_4":{"next":"d0_class2_5","txt":"He frowns a little and simply comes over himself.","npc":"img/npc/lenard.webp"},"d0_class2_5":{"next":"d0_class2_6","txt":"Student:\nHi, you're the girl, I mean the new girl... Emma?","npc":"img/npc/lenard.webp"},"d0_class2_6":{"next":"d0_class2_6b","pc":"neutral","txt":"Emily:\nIt's Emily.","no_save":0},"d0_class2_7":{"next":"d0_class2_8","txt":"Student:\nOh, sorry Emily, I'm Lenard. I know it's none of my business - but is everything alright? ","npc":"img/npc/lenard.webp"},"d0_class2_8":{"next":"d0_class2_9","pc":"blush","txt":"Emily:\nYeah, just a tough first day in a new place, new school, you know how it's like."},"d0_class2_9":{"next":"d0_class2_10","txt":"Lenard:\nRight. So nobody is giving you trouble? I mean except Houghton, but he's just an asshat, don't worry about him.","npc":"img/npc/lenard.webp"},"d0_class2_10":{"next":"d0_class2_11","pc":"happy","txt":"Emily:\nEm.. who's Houghton?"},"d0_class2_11":{"next":"d0_class2_12","txt":"Lenard:\nThe biology professor. ","npc":"img/npc/lenard.webp"},"d0_class2_12":{"next":"d0_class2_13","pc":"neutral","txt":"Emily:\nOh, that guy. Let me guess - he's strict but fair?"},"d0_class2_13":{"next":"d0_class2_14","txt":"Lenard:\nWhat? Old Houghton? No, not even close. Like I said - he's an asshat. Unfortunately we got a few of them around, like Jeff and Ben. I've seen you with them, you're sure they not making problems...?","npc":"img/npc/lenard.webp"},"d0_class2_14":{"next":"d0_class2_15","pc":"neutral","txt":"Emily:\nWhy would you think they are making any problems?"},"d0_class2_15":{"next":"d0_class2_16","txt":"Lenard:\nLike I said, I've seen you around them, and then you show up looking a bit, emm... stressed out. ","npc":"img/npc/lenard.webp"},"d0_class2_16":{"next":"d0_class2_17","txt":"You self consciously look down at your clothes. {'Your torn skirt leaves a bit too much of your thigh exposed' if get_equipped(slot='bottom')=='bottom_school_skirt_rip' else 'Your nipples poke through the thin, white fabric of your shirt'}, but you don't really feel that embarrassed about it. "},"d0_class2_17":{"next":"d0_class2_18","pc":"blush","txt":"You notice Lenard following your gaze, his eyes travel down your body, lingering for a uncomfortable moment on your curves and exposed bits, before he manages to speak again. "},"d0_class2_18":{"next":"d0_class2_19","txt":"Lenard:\nNot... not that I mind, mind you. You look great in fact. ","npc":"img/npc/lenard.webp"},"d0_class2_19":{"next":"d0_class2_20","pc":"smile","txt":"Emily:\nThanks. I just got a bit lost, couldn't find my way back from the stadium and I got into a bit of an adventure on my way back."},"d0_class2_20":{"next":"d0_class2_21","txt":"Lenard:\nStadium, hmm? I think I can guess how it went - someone told you about the pool shortcut?","npc":"img/npc/lenard.webp"},"d0_class2_21":{"next":"d0_class2_22","pc":"blush","txt":"Emily:\nYep."},"d0_class2_22":{"next":"d0_class2_23","txt":"Lenard:\nAnd you've met Red Hot Lana on your way out?","npc":"img/npc/lenard.webp"},"d0_class2_23":{"next":"d0_class2_24","pc":"happy","txt":"Emily:\nRed Hot...? Em, would that be the swimming instructor?"},"d0_class2_24":{"next":"d0_class2_25","txt":"Lenard:\nExactly right. Just don't call her that to her face if you value your freedom. I can imagine how it went - so how much detention you got?","npc":"img/npc/lenard.webp"},"d0_class2_25":{"next":"d0_class2_26","pc":"happy","txt":"Emily:\nI didn't get any, but I may have lost a bit of clothing in the process.."},"d0_class2_26":{"next":"d0_class2_27","txt":"Lenard:\nWow, you're something else alright, I'd love to hear the full story. Maybe we could hang out after school some day? Got any plans for the weekend?","npc":"img/npc/lenard.webp"},"d0_class2_27":{"next":"d0_class2_28","pc":"blush","txt":"Emily:\nYou mean... like a date?"},"d0_class2_28":{"txt":"Lenard:\nWell, if you want to put it like that, I guess we can make it a date. ","npc":"img/npc/lenard.webp","choice":[["True","Sure, I'd love to","d0_class2_date"],["True","Maybe some other time","d0_class2_maybe_date"],["True","No, not a chance","d0_class2_no_date"]]},"d0_class2_date":{"next":"d0_class2_date_1","pc":"happy","txt":"Emily:\nYeah, sounds like fun, let's make it a date. But don't ask me where to go, I literally don't know anything about the city, oh and... not any expensive places, alright? ","no_save":0,"cmd":["exec_once('save.slut+=1')","exec_once('save.rep_lenard+=2')","save.lenard_date=1","set_quest('lenard', 'Go on a date with Lenard next weekend.')"]},"d0_class2_maybe_date":{"next":"d0_class2_maybe_date_1","pc":"neutral","txt":"Emily:\nMaybe some other time? I mean, don't get me wrong, you seem nice and all, but I just moved here, the school is new, I need to find a job, get my apartment sorted - it's just not the best moment.","cmd":["exec_once('save.rep_lenard+=1')"]},"d0_class2_no_date":{"next":"d0_class2_no_date_1","pc":"neutral","txt":"Emily:\nThanks for the offer, but you're not really my type. "},"d0_class2_date_1":{"next":"d0_class2_date_2","txt":"Lenard:\nDon't you worry about it, I won't make you pay for anything. We can work it all out via the phone - can I get your number?","npc":"img/npc/lenard.webp"},"d0_class2_date_2":{"next":"d0_class2_29","txt":"You finish exchanging numbers just as the bell rings announcing the start of even more boring classes. "},"d0_class2_29":{"next":"d0_class2_30","txt":"The afternoon classes would be just as dull as the ones in the morning, if it wasn't for your wardrobe malfunction. ","img":"img/common/class.webp","no_save":0,"cmd":["set_quest('school', 'Survive till the end of class')"]},"d0_class2_maybe_date_1":{"next":"d0_class2_maybe_date_2","txt":"Lenard:\nFair enough, but can I at least get you number? ","npc":"img/npc/lenard.webp"},"d0_class2_maybe_date_2":{"next":"d0_class2_date_2","pc":"happy","txt":"Emily:\nYeah, sure..."},"d0_class2_no_date_1":{"next":"d0_class2_no_date_2","txt":"Lenard:\nOh? Okay. Well, thanks for the honesty I guess... but if you ever change your mind, feel free to contact me anytime - because I think you look really hot. See you later.","npc":"img/npc/lenard.webp"},"d0_class2_no_date_2":{"next":"d0_class2_29","txt":"You want to replay something as Lenard starts to walk away, but the bell interrupts you. It's time for more boring classes. "},"d0_class2_30":{"branch":[["is_exposed(EXPO.POKIES)","d0_class2_expo"],["True","d0_class2_skirt"]]},"d0_class2_expo":{"next":"d0_class2_expo_1","txt":"As the lessons start you find yourself pressing your things together and nervously looking around, as if everyone knew your sitting in class without panties. ","img":"img/common/lecture.webp"},"d0_class2_skirt":{"next":"d0_class2_skirt_1","txt":"You try to find a seat at the left side of the class, preferably somewhere in the back, as to hide your torn skirt, but the only vacant seat is in the first row on the right. ","img":"img/prologue/lecture_torn_skirt.webp"},"d0_class2_expo_1":{"next":"d0_class2_expo_2","txt":"From time to time you notice some of your classmates staring at you, but most look away as soon as you make eye contact. "},"d0_class2_expo_2":{"next":"d0_class2_over","txt":"It dawns on you as the lectures go on, that the guys in class aren't trying to peek under you skirt but are only ogling at your chest."},"d0_class2_over":{"next":"d0_class2_over_1","txt":"While you might hate to admit that you kind of like the attention, you're definitely relieved when the bell announcing the end of class rings. ","cmd":["set_time_of_day(TIME.MIDDAY)"]},"d0_class2_skirt_1":{"next":"d0_class2_skirt_2","txt":"As long as you where standing up, the tear wasn't that much of a problem, but as soon as you sit down, the torn fabric simply parts exposing one of your legs all the way to the hip."},"d0_class2_skirt_2":{"next":"d0_class2_over","txt":"Each time you look around during the lecture, you can see at least a few of your classmates staring at your exposed thigh. "},"d0_class2_over_1":{"next":"d0_class2_over_2","txt":"Students pile out from every classroom forming a tight crowd in the corridor. Everyone is trying to move forward and in effect nobody is. You're stuck in the crowd of people.","img":"img/common/school_coridor_full.webp"},"d0_class2_over_2":{"next":"d0_class2_over_3","txt":"You feel someone's hand grabbing your ass. You slap it away and try to turn around to see who the jerk was, but there's not enough room and with everyone trying to push forward you can't be sure who it was. Maybe it was just an accident. "},"d0_class2_over_3":{"next":"d0_class2_over_4","txt":"It takes way longer then you'd like, but eventually you find your way to the exit and get out of the school building. ","img":"img/common/school_entry2.webp"},"d0_class2_over_4":{"next":"d0_class2_over_map","pc":"happy","txt":"You have the rest of the day free. Going home to change seems like a good idea, but you could also go shopping or just explore the city.","cmd":["music('levelup')","update_stats()"]},"d0_class2_over_map":{"no_save":0,"cmd":["show_map()","set_quest('school', 'Go to school on Tuesday morning.')","set_quest('map', 'Explore the city.')","set_quest('job', 'Find a job.')","set_quest('food', 'Buy food.')"]},"map_shops":{"next":"shops_events","txt":"You enter the shopping mall. {'' if is_day() else 'Looks like it is open 24/7.'}","img":"img/common/mall1.webp","no_save":0},"map_home":{"no_save":0,"branch":[["save.had_cop_call == 0","d0_home_cop_call"],["is_weekend()","home_weekend_jump"],["True","home_weekday"]]},"map_school":{"no_save":0,"branch":[["get_day()>=21","school_lockdown"],["is_weekend()","school_weekend"],["not is_weekend()","school_day"]]},"school_weekend":{"no_save":0,"branch":[["is_time_of_day(TIME.EVENING, TIME.NIGHT)","school_weekend_night"],["True","school_weekend_day"]]},"school_day":{"no_save":0,"branch":[["is_time_of_day(TIME.MORNING)","school_day_uniform"],["is_time_of_day(TIME.NOON)","school_day_noon"],["is_time_of_day(TIME.MIDDAY, TIME.AFTERNOON)","school_day_afternoon"],["True","school_day_night"]]},"school_day_morning":{"pc":"neutral","eval_jump_to":"'school_day_'+str(get_day())","no_save":0},"school_day_noon":{"txt":"WIP"},"school_day_afternoon":{"txt":"The lessons are over for today, most if not all students and teachers already left. The school looks empty. ","img":"img/common/school_entry2_afternoon.webp","choice":[["True","Leave","school_go_to_map"],["True","Go inside","after_school_day"]]},"school_day_night":{"txt":"The school looks empty and a bit creepy. There are no lights coming from inside, the few distant street lights bathe the building in a gloomy aura - not really illuminating it, just giving the darkness an edge. ","img":"img/common/school_entry2_night.webp","choice":[["True","Go away.","school_go_to_map"],["True","Go inside.","after_school_night"]]},"school_weekend_night":{"next":"school_go_to_map","txt":"You look at the school building wondering what the hell are you still doing here. It's the weekend, even nerds don't come to school at the weekend. ","img":"img/common/school_entry2_night.webp","no_save":0},"school_weekend_day":{"next":"school_go_to_map","txt":"You look at the school building wondering what the hell are you still doing here. It's the weekend, even nerds don't come to school at the weekend. ","img":"img/common/school_entry.webp","no_save":0},"school_go_to_map":{"cmd":["show_map()"]},"after_school_day":{"next":"school_day_afternoon","txt":"The front door is locked, the windows are closed, there seems to be no way to get it. You yank on the door handle a few more times before giving up. "},"after_school_night":{"next":"school_day_night","txt":"The front door is locked, the windows are closed, there seems to be no way to get it. You yank on the door handle a few more times before giving up. "},"mall_giftcard":{"next":"mall_giftcard_1","txt":"Right next to the entrance there's a small stand where someone is selling gift cards, the logo on the stand is the same as the one on the card you got from Ben."},"mall_shops":{"eval_jump_to":"'mall_shops_choice'","no_save":0},"shops_go_to_map":{"cmd":["show_map()"]},"shop_shirt":{"next":"mall_shops","pc":"happy","img":"img/common/shop_clothes2.webp","no_save":0,"cmd":["shop('shirt_r_us')"]},"shop_clothes":{"next":"mall_shops","pc":"happy","img":"img/common/shop_clothes3.webp","no_save":0,"cmd":["shop(shop_id='clothes')"]},"shop_lingerie":{"next":"mall_shops2","pc":"blush","img":"img/common/shop_lingerie.webp","no_save":0,"cmd":["shop('lingerie')"]},"shop_dress":{"next":"mall_shops2","pc":"happy","img":"img/common/shop_clothes1.webp","cmd":["shop(shop_id='dress_shop')"]},"shop_sport":{"next":"mall_shops","pc":"happy","img":"img/common/shop_sport.webp","no_save":0,"cmd":["shop('sport')"]},"mall_shops2":{"eval_jump_to":"'mall_shops_choice2'","no_save":0},"mall_giftcard_1":{"next":"mall_giftcard_2","pc":"happy","txt":"Emily:\nExcuse me, I got this card and I'm not even sure if it's still valid or if it's even real. Could you help me out?"},"mall_giftcard_2":{"next":"mall_giftcard_3","txt":"Salesgirl:\nYes, of course, let me just scan in the code... There we are. ","npc":"img/npc/hostess.webp"},"mall_giftcard_3":{"next":"mall_giftcard_4","txt":"Salesgirl:\nYes, the card is valid, total balance is $200, the card has not been activated and once it is activated you'll have one day to make any number of purchases in the select shops.","npc":"img/npc/hostess.webp"},"mall_giftcard_4":{"txt":"Salesgirl:\nWould you like me to activate the card?","npc":"img/npc/hostess.webp","choice":[["True","Yes","mall_giftcard_active"],["True","No","mall_giftcard_no"]]},"mall_giftcard_active":{"next":"shopping_mall","txt":"Salesgirl:\nYou can now use it at any of the clothing shops here, the card will be valid till midnight. Remember to try on any clothes you buy, shops don't accept returns once you step out of the store. Happy shopping!","npc":"img/npc/hostess.webp","no_save":0,"cmd":["save.has_giftcard = 0","exec_once('save.money+=200')","save.giftcard_active = 1+get_day()"]},"mall_giftcard_no":{"next":"mall_giftcard_no_1","pc":"neutral","txt":"Emily:\nNo, thank you, I just wanted to know if it's any good."},"mall_giftcard_no_1":{"next":"shopping_mall","txt":"Salesgirl:\nAlright, you can activate it any time you like. Have a nice day.","npc":"img/npc/hostess.webp"},"shopping_mall":{"txt":"There are several storeys of shops, kiosks, and boutiques. What do you want to do?","img":"img/common/mall1.webp","no_save":0,"choice":[["save.has_giftcard","Inquire about the gift card","mall_giftcard"],["True","Shop for clothes","mall_shops"],["get_day() > 0 and get_time_of_day()!=TIME.MORNING","Buy Groceries","shops_omegamart"],["save.rent_storage > 0","Self Storage","rent_storage_jmp"],["True","Leave","shops_go_to_map"]],"cmd":["music('lobby')","invalidate_giftcard()"]},"home_weekend":{"no_save":0,"branch":[["get_tce() is None","home_weekend_tod"],["True","home_weekend_event"]],"cmd":["svg_filter('default')"]},"home_weekday":{"no_save":0,"branch":[["get_day()==18 and is_time_of_day(TIME.MIDDAY, TIME.AFTERNOON)","home_last_time"],["is_time_of_day(TIME.MORNING, TIME.NOON)","home_time_for_school"],["is_time_of_day(TIME.MIDDAY, TIME.AFTERNOON)","home_after_school"],["is_time_of_day(TIME.EVENING, TIME.NIGHT)","home_weekday_late"]]},"home_time_for_school":{"next":"home_time_for_school_1","pc":"neutral","txt":"Emily:\nI should probably get going to school. I don't want to get into any more trouble.","img":"img/common/home.webp","no_save":0},"home_after_school":{"next":"home_after_school_branch","txt":"You arrive home and climb the stairs up to your apartment. ","img":"img/common/home_afternoon.webp","no_save":0},"home_weekday_late":{"next":"home_weekday_late_branch","txt":"It's dark when you get home. The street is only illuminated by a lone streetlamp, but nights in the city are never really that dark, so you don't have much trouble finding your way to your apartment.","img":"img/common/home_night.webp","no_save":0},"home_after_school_1":{"no_save":0,"branch":[["get_tce() is None","home_after_school_1b"],["True","home_after_school_event"]],"cmd":["svg_filter('default')"]},"home_bedroom":{"txt":"You're in your bedroom. What would you like to do?","img":"img/common/pc_room.webp","no_save":0,"choice":[["not save.clothes_in_storage","Change clothes","home_clothes"],["not is_time_of_day(TIME.NIGHT, TIME.MORNING)","Do homework","home_homework"],["not is_time_of_day(TIME.MORNING) and get_day() !=18","Rest","home_rest"],["'bedsheet_toga' not in inventory","Make jury-rigged clothes","home_make_clothes"],["True","Go back","home_after_school_1"]]},"home_bath":{"pc":"happy","txt":"You are in the bathroom. What would you like to do next?","img":"img/common/pc_room_bath.webp","choice":[["True","Take a shower","home_bath_shower"],["True","Wash your face","home_bath_wash"],["True","Go back","home_after_school_1"]]},"home_cook":{"branch":[["save.food >= 1","home_cook_1"],["save.food < 1 ","home_cook_nothing"]]},"home_window":{"eval_jump_to":"'home_window_day' if is_day() else 'home_window_night'","no_save":0},"home_map":{"branch":[["save.current_slut > save.max_slut","home_map_no_go"],["save.current_slut <= save.max_slut","home_map_go"]],"cmd":["_update_clothes_stats(False)"]},"home_bath_shower":{"next":"home_bath_shower_t","pc":"blush","txt":"You strip of you clothes and get into the shower.","no_save":0,"cmd":["strip_nude()"]},"home_bath_wash":{"next":"home_bath","pc":"happy","txt":"You wash your hands and face, and brush your teeth. You feel refreshed. ","no_save":0,"cmd":["save.last_bath = max(save.last_bath, int(save.time)-3)","set_body_overlay(None)"]},"home_bath_shower_1":{"txt":"You fiddle for a moment with the tap, setting the water temperature just right, before washing your whole body. ","img":"img/prologue/shower.webp","no_save":0,"choice":[["True","Stay in the shower for a while.","home_bath_shower_2"],["True","Finish the shower.","home_bath_shower_finish"]],"cmd":["save.last_bath = int(save.time)"]},"home_bath_shower_2":{"next":"home_bath_shower_3","txt":"You slide your hands all over your body. Your wet and soapy skin makes your fingers glide effortlessly over your curves.","img":"img/prologue/shower_wet.webp"},"home_bath_shower_finish":{"next":"home_bath_shower_finish_t","pc":"happy","txt":"You get out from under the shower, dripping water all over the floor. ","img":"img/common/pc_room_bath.webp","no_save":0,"cmd":["save.pc_is_wet = 1","remove_bodymod('writing', 0, 'writing')"]},"home_bath_shower_finish_1":{"pc":"last","txt":"You quickly dry yourself up with one of the towels. There's still another big, dry towel that you can use to wrap around yourself. ","no_save":0,"choice":[["True","Wrap yourself in a towel.","home_bath_shower_towel"],["True","Stay nude.","home_bath"]],"cmd":["save.pc_is_wet = 0"]},"home_bath_shower_towel":{"next":"home_bath","pc":"happy","txt":"You wrap yourself in a towel.","cmd":["set_clothes(['towel_1'])"]},"home_bath_shower_3":{"next":"home_bath_shower_4","txt":"Not thinking much about what you're doing, you move your hand down between your legs, lightly spreading your pussy lips.","img":"img/prologue/shower_touch.webp"},"home_bath_shower_4":{"next":"home_bath_shower_5","txt":"Closing your eyes and softly moaning with pleasure, You let a steady stream of water flow down your belly and onto your exposed clit."},"home_bath_shower_5":{"next":"home_bath_shower_6","txt":"You slide two fingers between your pussy lips and rub your thumb against your clit. Your breathing becomes hard as you get near to the sweet release. "},"home_bath_shower_6":{"next":"home_bath_shower_finish","txt":"You continue to pleasure yourself for a moment longer after reaching your peak, but somehow the whole experience leaves you unsatisfied. ","no_save":0,"cmd":["counter_inc('masturbate')"]},"d0_home_cop_call":{"img":"img/common/home_afternoon.webp","no_save":0,"branch":[["is_day()","d0_home_cop_call_day"],["True","d0_home_cop_call_night"]]},"d0_home_cop_call_1":{"next":"d0_home_cop_call_2","txt":"Emily:\nHello?"},"d0_home_cop_call_2":{"next":"d0_home_cop_call_3","txt":"Sgt. Novak:\nThis is Sergeant Novak speaking, listen carefully - if you're not alone say 'Sorry, wrong number' and hang up, if you're not alone and in any danger say 'Not interested' and hang up. "},"d0_home_cop_call_3":{"next":"d0_home_cop_call_4","txt":"Emily:\nHuh? Is this a prank? No, wait, you're with the police, right? "},"d0_home_cop_call_4":{"next":"d0_home_cop_call_5","txt":"You hear a loud sigh through the handset and what sounds a bit like someone smacking their forehead with an open palm."},"d0_home_cop_call_5":{"next":"d0_home_cop_call_6","txt":"Sgt. Novak:\nI presume you're alone and not in any trouble, right? "},"d0_home_cop_call_6":{"next":"d0_home_cop_call_7","txt":"Emily:\nYeah, I'm alone, just getting back home."},"d0_home_cop_call_7":{"next":"d0_home_cop_call_8","txt":"Sgt. Novak:\nSo you're on the street now? Go inside, we'll talk once you're in the apartment. I'll wait, don't hang up."},"d0_home_cop_call_8":{"next":"d0_home_cop_call_9","txt":"Emily:\nOk, I'm inside. What's with all the James Bond nonsense?","img":"img/common/pc_room2.webp"},"d0_home_cop_call_9":{"next":"d0_home_cop_call_10","txt":"Sgt. Novak:\nProcedures. You should remember this from the briefing, if you'd said 'Not interested' there'd be a patrol car at your location within minutes. "},"d0_home_cop_call_10":{"next":"d0_home_cop_call_11","txt":"Emily:\nThere was a briefing? I didn't have no briefing, I just got put in a car and some fat guy with a stupid moustache drove me here. "},"d0_home_cop_call_11":{"next":"d0_home_cop_call_12","txt":"Sgt. Novak:\nYeah, I was that guy..."},"d0_home_cop_call_12":{"next":"d0_home_cop_call_13","txt":"Emily:\nOoops. Sorry."},"d0_home_cop_call_13":{"next":"d0_home_cop_call_14","txt":"Sgt. Novak:\nNo matter, I guess it all got a bit messy, your cover story kind of sus, but it's better than protective custody."},"d0_home_cop_call_14":{"next":"d0_home_cop_call_15","txt":"Emily:\nProtective custody?"},"d0_home_cop_call_15":{"next":"d0_home_cop_call_16","txt":"Sgt. Novak:\nYes, you're lucky you look about the right age for school, if it wasn't for that, we'd have to lock you up in a women's prison for your own safety. "},"d0_home_cop_call_16":{"next":"d0_home_cop_call_17","txt":"Emily:\nSo, you don't have a million secret identities waiting?"},"d0_home_cop_call_17":{"next":"d0_home_cop_call_18","txt":"Sgt. Novak:\nNot with our budget, so don't blow your cover cause we don't have any spare... and about that. That's why I'm calling anyway. Everything fine? No problems so far?"},"d0_home_cop_call_18":{"next":"d0_home_cop_call_19","txt":"Emily:\nYes! No! It's fine! Everything fine, no problems whatsoever! "},"d0_home_cop_call_19":{"next":"d0_home_cop_call_20","txt":"Sgt. Novak:\nHuh, really? Well, if you say so... You'll probably go looking for a job, if you haven't already, and well, I'm sorry to have to say this, but you can't get anything too good. "},"d0_home_cop_call_20":{"next":"d0_home_cop_call_21","txt":"Emily:\nWhy is that?"},"d0_home_cop_call_21":{"next":"d0_home_cop_call_22","txt":"Sgt. Novak:\nYou'd need a CV for a proper job, and don't even think about writing a fake one, you really don't want anyone snooping in your background. The paperwork is kind of flimsy. "},"d0_home_cop_call_22":{"next":"d0_home_cop_call_23","txt":"Sgt. Novak:\nLook for a job in the 'grey area', like in a bar, cleaning or as a waitress. Some place where you don't need qualifications and with an employer that won't bother with taxes and insurance. "},"d0_home_cop_call_23":{"next":"d0_home_cop_call_24","txt":"Sgt. Novak:\nI know a guy that may help, if you can't find anything by the end of the week. But it'd be best if you managed this on your own, ok? "},"d0_home_cop_call_24":{"next":"d0_home_cop_call_25","txt":"Emily:\nI'll try my best."},"d0_home_cop_call_25":{"next":"d0_home_cop_call_26","txt":"Sgt. Novak:\nGreat, that's all I needed to know. Stay out of trouble and everything will be fine. I'll call again by the end of the week. Goodbye."},"d0_home_cop_call_26":{"next":"d0_home_cop_call_27","pc":"neutral","txt":"You end the call and sigh. You couldn't tell the cops that you cover is already blown, not if they want to put you behind bars - even if it's for protection. "},"d0_home_cop_call_27":{"next":"home_after_school_1","pc":"blush","txt":"You're not willing to give up this apartment, the opportunity for a better life, and all of it. Not because of two assholes like Ben and Jeff. You can handle them, right? What's the worst thing they could do...? ","no_save":0,"cmd":["save.had_cop_call = 1"]},"home_map_no_go":{"next":"home_after_school_1","pc":"blush","txt":"Emily:\nI can't go out dressed like this. "},"home_map_go":{"cmd":["show_map()"]},"home_clothes":{"next":"home_after_school_1","pc":"happy","img":"img/common/pc_room2.webp","no_save":0,"cmd":["change_clothes(enforce_stats=0)"]},"home_homework":{"next":"home_homework_t","txt":"You sit by the desk, take out your books and try to do some homework. ","img":"img/common/homework.webp","no_save":0,"cmd":["counter_inc('homework')","music('lazy')"]},"home_rest":{"eval_jump_to":"'home_rest_sleep' if is_time_of_day(TIME.NIGHT,TIME.EVENING) else 'home_rest_nap'","no_save":0},"home_rest_sleep":{"next":"home_rest_sleep_1","txt":"You feel tired, it's getting late and your bed is starting to look more and more comfortable the longer you look.","img":"img/common/pc_room.webp","cmd":["music('roundabout')"]},"home_rest_nap":{"next":"home_rest_nap_1","pc":"blush","txt":"You don't feel like doing anything right now, so you lay down on your bed naked, because you're alone anyway, and naked always feels more comfortable. ","img":"img/common/pc_room.webp","no_save":0,"cmd":["strip_nude()"]},"home_homework_1":{"no_save":0,"branch":[["is_time_of_day(TIME.NIGHT, TIME.EVENING)","home_homework_late"],["counter_get('homework')>3","home_homework_nope"],["True","home_homework_done"]]},"home_homework_late":{"next":"home_after_school_1","txt":"It's dark outside when you finally decide to finish working on your school assignments. It's stupid how much work they make you do, or maybe you're stupid, because it took you so long? Either way, you're done."},"home_homework_done":{"next":"home_after_school_1","txt":"Doing homework is boring. Boring and stupid. You keep doing pointless exercises, but your answers are usually wrong. You give up after an hour or two.","no_save":0,"cmd":["counter_inc('homework')"]},"home_rest_nap_1":{"txt":"You didn't mean to go to sleep, you just closed your eyes for a minute or two... ","img":"img/common/nap.webp","no_save":0,"choice":[["get_time_of_day()