// Copyright 2021 Shark in a Hat. All Rights Reserved. var credits = ['CREDITS', 'CREATED BY:\nShark in a Hat', 'SUPPORTED BY:\nOverseer', 'SUPPORTED BY:\nMatt\nCodE\nHina Bergmann', 'SUPPORTED BY:\njehefuco\nKryperCreeping\ncuckold_yyc', 'SUPPORTED BY:\nGABRIEL ALFORD\nReld\nMrSuicide', 'SUPPORTED BY:\nNaurd\nMathieu Gouillart\nBettyPage', 'SUPPORTED BY:\nTheo_Malt\nAlex\nbouncy4u', "SUPPORTED BY:\nMaximus\nFoxy'sFan\nFranatique", 'SUPPORTED BY:\nDov D Bush\nmahena\nAn Anonymous Benefactor', 'SUPPORTED BY:\nJoe Steel\nDavid Kindler\nbsnick', 'SUPPORTED BY:\nBranVan\nJayjay Fan\nlea', 'SUPPORTED BY:\nhelena ho\nconi\nevilbiscuit', 'SUPPORTED BY:\nIroquois Pliskin\nAb\nDrunkmilkman\nand others', 'POWERED BY:\nThe Plotato Engine', 'POWERED BY:\nBrython', 'Thank You for playing.', '', '', '', '...by the way...', "...maybe You know the song that's playing?", 'Would be really cool if You could name the artist.', "Cause, y'know, I've no idea...", "Anyway, that's all there is.", "This ain't no Marvel movie...", "...no hidden scene after the credits.", "You can go now.", "Just click on the text box below.", "Or tap it if You got a touch screen. ", "...", "...", "Am I the only one annoyed by VN\nthat put '...' in dialogues?", "And what's up with the slow text?", "O", "On", "One", "One l", "One le", "One let", "One lett", "One lette", "One letter", "One letter a", "One letter at", "One letter at a", "One letter at a t", "One letter at a ti", "One letter at a tim", "One letter at a time", "That can really drive one mad!", "Oh, sorry, You still here?", "Now even the song is over.", "...", "I really didn't program in\nany way to automatically exit this screen.", "If You won't click below, we're both be stuck here.", "Well, You will be, I'm not really here.", "...", "Simon Says Click on the text box!", '', '', "Do it.", "Do it now!", '', '', "That's it, nothing more here.", '', "Not even this text.", '', "Please go away.", '', "Don't make me summon Cthulhu...", '', "Fine, have it Your way.", "Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!", ];