Aphrodisia UPDATED
The most boring man in the world is finally able to get his act together with the help of magical powers.
Family Business UPDATED
A broke day trader hits rock bottom and turns to content creation.
Confined and Horny UPDATED
A stay-at-home lockdown leaves you in the company of two hot housemates and a lot of free time..
Become Someone UPDATED
Play as a senior college student and find yourself surrounded with lots of beautiful women.
Back to Freedom
A former soldier starts a new life after spending years behind bars.
Adam and Gaia
Enter a fantasy world with a variety of female humans and anime monster girls, with you as the sole male survivor.
Casting Director
Take the role of a Hollywood casting director with some questionable morals..
The Company
Choose a gender and see how this tale of corporate espionage, mind control and transformation unfolds..
Hentai University
Explore a town full of hot hentai girls and take advantage of your amateur hypnotizing skills..
Life at University
A slutification life sim, will you attain your law degree or end up trapped in a world of drugs and prostitution?
College Daze
Step into the shoes of a freshman with supernatural abilities.
Silent Echo UPDATED
Explore a research facility occupied by aliens dressed in latex catsuits.