Tasty Curse Due to a bizarre curse, every other day, a man awakens in the body of his female roommate.
That Girl Enter a world full of crime, murder, mind control and a seemingly endless supply of sexually aroused women.
The Company UPDATED Choose a gender and see how this tale of corporate espionage, mind control and transformation unfolds..
The Daedalus Project A text based RPG adventure consisting of mind-bending worlds and sexual encounters in parallel realities.
The Good Son A sissification game where the male main character takes a job at a kinky nightclub, crossdressing as a woman.
The Mansion Start a new life at a mansion which besides housing hot women is hiding some dark secrets..
The Queen of Phalli A dark elf faces many challenges as she aspires to become a priestess in a women-only society.
The Repurposing Center UPDATED You're being sent to a repurposing facility. Can you overcome it's corruption, slavery and (in)voluntary transformation?
The Whore of Babylon A young nun's fantasies and desires are putting her on a path far from becoming a saint..
Transfigure Gender transformation game with real porn pics and video. Many different endings, you're in control..